I just sent out surveys to people who signed up & entered a song into SpinTunes. If I missed someone, just send me an e-mail & I'll respond.
If you respond via e-mail I will not be posting your responses or sharing them with anyone. They are just for me to mull over while thinking about SpinTunes #4.
For those of you who just followed the contest, but did not sign up, you can also leave feedback in the comments section below. You can also e-mail me if you want your thoughts kept private. I'm not going to debate things with people right now...this is just your chance to vent. I'll copy & paste the meat of the e-mail below if anyone wants a prompt to use....I hear you like prompts... :p
This post will be deleted in a couple weeks, and when this post gets deleted, I will stop using the SpinTunes e-mail address until it's about time for SpinTunes #4. From that point on...don't expect responses from that account.
1. In general, did you like having more people involved in the judging this time around?
2. Of the 5 regular judges, which did you find to be the most helpful, and why? (Mike, Glenn, David, Mitchell & Ben)
3. Of the 5 regular judges, which did you find to be the least helpful, and why? (Mike, Glenn, David, Mitchell & Ben)
4. If the schedule were to change to allow more time for communication amongst the judges, would you be for adding another week between challenges? Would make communication easier, but that’s a long break between rounds & there could be a loss of momentum & interest that comes with that.
5. Is there anyone you would like to see as a judge in a future SpinTunes? If so, tell me who & why?
6. What did you think of the popular vote being used in Round 1 & 2? Did you hate it or want to see it used in Round 3 & 4 in a similar way?
7. Would you like to see the Molly Lewis Rule brought back? A couple people have suggested having 4 finalist AND keeping the Molly Lewis Rule.
For those that don’t remember, the Molly Lewis stated that:
- If a finalist doesn’t enter a song, the highest ranking musician that was eliminated from Round 3 who also shadows Round 4 will be allowed to compete as a finalist.
It was also suggested that this rule be applied to every single round. So people who fail to enter a Round 2 song, could be replaced by the highest ranking musician that was eliminated from Round 1 who also shadowed in Round 2. This would encourage more people to shadow, but give no promises that the song will be allowed to compete.
8. If we have around 40+ enter a song in round 1 again, would you be against randomly breaking the entries up into 2 different groups & having 2 different sets of judges rank & review each? With the large turn out we had this time, it’s fairly difficult for judges to rank & review that many songs in the first 2 rounds. After the first 2 rounds, the remaining competitors from each group would merge into 1 group for rounds 3 & 4.
9. If you could create a future SpinTunes challenge, what would it be & why?
10. Ok, time to vent. Anything I didn’t mention that you want to bend my hear about do it now. It can be about anything related to the contest so lay it on me.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
SpinTunes #3 Champions: Matt And Donna
Runner Up: Pat And Gweebol
3rd: Ross Durand
4th: Charlie McCarron
Congratulations Matt And Donna! You survived all 4 rounds, and you both are now SpinTunes Champions. I wish I had a big fancy prize to give you, but in SpinTunes it's the musicians who provide the prizes. You've done more than your share with your 4 entries, and along with all the other great songs everyone can enjoy the prizes. Hopefully we can get you a SpinTunes t-shirt in the future, but it may be awhile. We've already got enough money (when Google gets around to sending me a check) to buy Kevin a shirt, and after we get Mitchell one, you're next.
It was great having you involved with the contest, and I hope to see you in SpinTunes #4 as judges or competitors. (expect an e-mail in December about judging)
ALL the finalists did a great job. You all earned your way into the finals, and I could have been happy with any of you being the SpinTunes #3 champion.
Totals & Reviews:
In the end 24 of 40 people sent in their votes/rankings, and the final count was:
Matt And Donna - 71
Pat And Gweebol - 60
Ross Durand - 58
Charlie McCarron - 51
Popular vote totals:
Pat And Gweebol - 19
Matt And Donna - 10
Ross Durand - 5
Charlie McCarron - 2
(36 total votes)
Mitchell Adam Johnson - Glenn Case - Ben Davila - David Santucci
Guest Judge's Review: Walt Ribeiro - Anhayla - Chris Commisso
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin
Thank You
Not only to the finalists, but to everyone that signed up or participated in SpinTunes. Judges, shadows, fans who listened & voted... I'll once again be sending out e-mails to everyone in a couple weeks. It'll be your chance to leave feedback with me that I can take into consideration when planning SpinTunes #4.
I'll be updating the "SpinTunes Hall Of Fame & Records" page sometime this week. In case anyone is interested in knowing more about how the stats have changed from 1 contest to the next.
The next contest will probably start around Jan. Between Song Fight, Frankensong & various other projects, there should be plenty to keep you busy until SpinTunes #4. Keep an eye on my Spintown blog, because I normally post about those type of things there.
3rd: Ross Durand
4th: Charlie McCarron
Congratulations Matt And Donna! You survived all 4 rounds, and you both are now SpinTunes Champions. I wish I had a big fancy prize to give you, but in SpinTunes it's the musicians who provide the prizes. You've done more than your share with your 4 entries, and along with all the other great songs everyone can enjoy the prizes. Hopefully we can get you a SpinTunes t-shirt in the future, but it may be awhile. We've already got enough money (when Google gets around to sending me a check) to buy Kevin a shirt, and after we get Mitchell one, you're next.
It was great having you involved with the contest, and I hope to see you in SpinTunes #4 as judges or competitors. (expect an e-mail in December about judging)
ALL the finalists did a great job. You all earned your way into the finals, and I could have been happy with any of you being the SpinTunes #3 champion.
Totals & Reviews:
In the end 24 of 40 people sent in their votes/rankings, and the final count was:
Matt And Donna - 71
Pat And Gweebol - 60
Ross Durand - 58
Charlie McCarron - 51
Popular vote totals:
Pat And Gweebol - 19
Matt And Donna - 10
Ross Durand - 5
Charlie McCarron - 2
(36 total votes)
Guest Judge's Review: Walt Ribeiro - Anhayla - Chris Commisso
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin
Thank You
Not only to the finalists, but to everyone that signed up or participated in SpinTunes. Judges, shadows, fans who listened & voted... I'll once again be sending out e-mails to everyone in a couple weeks. It'll be your chance to leave feedback with me that I can take into consideration when planning SpinTunes #4.
I'll be updating the "SpinTunes Hall Of Fame & Records" page sometime this week. In case anyone is interested in knowing more about how the stats have changed from 1 contest to the next.
The next contest will probably start around Jan. Between Song Fight, Frankensong & various other projects, there should be plenty to keep you busy until SpinTunes #4. Keep an eye on my Spintown blog, because I normally post about those type of things there.
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Walt Ribeiro
I sure hope you guys are familiar with Walt & his projects already, but if you're not...you have to check out http://ForOrchestra.com. I'm extremely happy that Walt was able to review a round of SpinTunes.
Jonathan Coulton 'Want You Gone (Portal)' For Orchestra by Walt Ribeiro by ForOrchestra
Walt Ribeiro
Composer, Pop Songs Arranged For Orchestra
Charlie McCarron
As you become in tune with the lyrics and grow to know fiona, you really appreciate this piece. It breaks the verse-chorus-verse rule, and that's refreshing. I love the female backsingers at the last chorus, which had me thinking it was fiona entering into the singer's world. a beautiful, not over-produced, and very thoughtful piece. the soft words, polite drum beat, arpeggio'd guitar, and backed male lyrics allow you to relax. You may not be able to fall in love with your first best friend, but you'll surely fall in love with this piece at first listen.
Pat And Gweebol
Getting past the uncompressed audio, MIDI instruments, and unbalance volume of the singers, I actually enjoyed this piece. I liked the theatre-feel of this piece, and how well the arrangement was. If the instruments were 'real' then it'd sound fantastic, and so I understand not everyone has a band at their disposal. I also enjoyed the backup singers, the drum beat, and how everything dropped out at the end. A good composition.
Matt And Donna
The piano was very beautiful, but i wonder if there could have been more to this piece? Maybe a violin passage while the bass drops out? the song grew on me, both for it's soft drum beat, and interesting chord progression, and trumpet section.
Ross Durand
The lyrics seemed odd at times, and didn't spark too much creativity. The production was great, and I enjoyed the singing. However, the guitar strumming seemed a tad off at times, but maybe that was intentional. I really wish the pre-chorus had more 'punch' to it, a common technique to use is that rather than add more punch to the chorus, perhaps 'thin out' the verse, that will create the same effect while also allow the listener to breathe. I liked the hook.
Walt Ribeiro
Composer, Pop Songs Arranged For Orchestra
Charlie McCarron
As you become in tune with the lyrics and grow to know fiona, you really appreciate this piece. It breaks the verse-chorus-verse rule, and that's refreshing. I love the female backsingers at the last chorus, which had me thinking it was fiona entering into the singer's world. a beautiful, not over-produced, and very thoughtful piece. the soft words, polite drum beat, arpeggio'd guitar, and backed male lyrics allow you to relax. You may not be able to fall in love with your first best friend, but you'll surely fall in love with this piece at first listen.
Pat And Gweebol
Getting past the uncompressed audio, MIDI instruments, and unbalance volume of the singers, I actually enjoyed this piece. I liked the theatre-feel of this piece, and how well the arrangement was. If the instruments were 'real' then it'd sound fantastic, and so I understand not everyone has a band at their disposal. I also enjoyed the backup singers, the drum beat, and how everything dropped out at the end. A good composition.
Matt And Donna
The piano was very beautiful, but i wonder if there could have been more to this piece? Maybe a violin passage while the bass drops out? the song grew on me, both for it's soft drum beat, and interesting chord progression, and trumpet section.
Ross Durand
The lyrics seemed odd at times, and didn't spark too much creativity. The production was great, and I enjoyed the singing. However, the guitar strumming seemed a tad off at times, but maybe that was intentional. I really wish the pre-chorus had more 'punch' to it, a common technique to use is that rather than add more punch to the chorus, perhaps 'thin out' the verse, that will create the same effect while also allow the listener to breathe. I liked the hook.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Anhayla
Anhayla is another YouTuber I've followed for a long time now. I've become a fan or her originals & her covers that get posted on her channel: anhaylarene.
I'm really honored to be a judge for round 4 of SpinTunes. When I listen to a song, I want to hear a great melody and an even better story line. Music and lyrics should never compete in a song and they should complement each other in every measure. I appreciate all types of music and love creativity. Please take my comments as words of encouragement and constructive criticism. Let's get down to it.
Ross Durand
This was a great song and it was very easy to follow. I liked how the song had a concrete beginning, middle, and an end. Also, you told a great story through your lyrics. My only advice would be to add either more music or more harmonies to the chorus to make it stand out. I would like to see the last line of the chorus "Cause they don't make em like me anymore" have more of a punch to symbolize the end of that segment. Maybe you could repeat it again or possible adjust the melody. Great song! I could easily hear this on the radio.
Matt And Donna
Loved the melody of the lyrics in the verse. I love that the lyrics weren't predictable and that you said things in a creative way. I would have liked to have seen more variation in the piano to separate the different parts of the song. Also, I was reading the info about the song and noticed it was about "an old car who is on its' last legs and has been abandoned by its' owner." When I listened to the song, I thought it was about an actual relationship between people. I'm not sure if this was the point, however, if you want to get your idea across you should reference the actual word "car" so your audience will understand clearly. Overall, loved the poetry in this song.
Charlie McCarron
The music was really beautiful and it complemented the theme of the song. I really enjoyed the guitar and the subtle drums. This was a great love story about a young relationship. I could really identify with being head over heals for your first love. However, I would have liked to have seen more structure with the lyrics. There weren't any memorable lines that lingered in my mind at the conclusion of the song. It would have been nice to hear the last part "skip stones with me" repeated earlier to create a refrain. Very beautiful song and lyrics.
Pat And Gweebol
I enjoyed the chorus the most. You painted a beautiful picture with the lyrics you chose. Most of all, I think it complemented the music in the chorus. The lyrics in the verse could be developed a little more by describing where the Deville is going. Develop the atmosphere that you and your love share so your listeners will know exactly what to imagine in the chorus. I wasn't the biggest fan of the music, it was a little repetitive. It seemed like the music was over powering the song in most parts. In the end, It was a nice song that the entire family could enjoy and that's what's most important.
I'm really honored to be a judge for round 4 of SpinTunes. When I listen to a song, I want to hear a great melody and an even better story line. Music and lyrics should never compete in a song and they should complement each other in every measure. I appreciate all types of music and love creativity. Please take my comments as words of encouragement and constructive criticism. Let's get down to it.
Ross Durand
This was a great song and it was very easy to follow. I liked how the song had a concrete beginning, middle, and an end. Also, you told a great story through your lyrics. My only advice would be to add either more music or more harmonies to the chorus to make it stand out. I would like to see the last line of the chorus "Cause they don't make em like me anymore" have more of a punch to symbolize the end of that segment. Maybe you could repeat it again or possible adjust the melody. Great song! I could easily hear this on the radio.
Matt And Donna
Loved the melody of the lyrics in the verse. I love that the lyrics weren't predictable and that you said things in a creative way. I would have liked to have seen more variation in the piano to separate the different parts of the song. Also, I was reading the info about the song and noticed it was about "an old car who is on its' last legs and has been abandoned by its' owner." When I listened to the song, I thought it was about an actual relationship between people. I'm not sure if this was the point, however, if you want to get your idea across you should reference the actual word "car" so your audience will understand clearly. Overall, loved the poetry in this song.
Charlie McCarron
The music was really beautiful and it complemented the theme of the song. I really enjoyed the guitar and the subtle drums. This was a great love story about a young relationship. I could really identify with being head over heals for your first love. However, I would have liked to have seen more structure with the lyrics. There weren't any memorable lines that lingered in my mind at the conclusion of the song. It would have been nice to hear the last part "skip stones with me" repeated earlier to create a refrain. Very beautiful song and lyrics.
Pat And Gweebol
I enjoyed the chorus the most. You painted a beautiful picture with the lyrics you chose. Most of all, I think it complemented the music in the chorus. The lyrics in the verse could be developed a little more by describing where the Deville is going. Develop the atmosphere that you and your love share so your listeners will know exactly what to imagine in the chorus. I wasn't the biggest fan of the music, it was a little repetitive. It seemed like the music was over powering the song in most parts. In the end, It was a nice song that the entire family could enjoy and that's what's most important.
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Chris Commisso
I've been a fan of Chris on YouTube for awhile now, and when it was time to look for guest judges, he was one of my first choices. I noticed he uploaded a new video today, and his channel is called ThePianoShack. After you read his reviews, you should check him out.
Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
The laid back vocal fits nice with the sparse production & sweet lyrics. Totally diggin the solo in the middle….fretless bass? Whatever it is, I love it because I wasn't expecting it. The chord changes in spots are unpredictable….which again, I love. In a world of predictable songs this one sticks out in a good way. Sometimes songwriters will choose strange chords to be different but it ends up sounding so weird the listener can't get into it. Not the case here. A nice retro Beach Boys/Jack Johnson vibe going on but still current sounding. Cool also how the title hooks near the end of the song. The only thing I would suggest on this one is possibly a more interesting opening with the guitar. It just strummed the opening chord a few times & didn't really interest me in what was coming. A melody played or a chord pattern that still fits with the song might work. Only a suggestion of course. Overall, I thought this was a great track! Awesome work!
Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
Very nice vocal on this one. And cool trumpet solo! Overall the song has a great feel & mood to it. And obviously the writer is a strong lyricist. I guess the song started to lose my interest after a couple minutes & my guess is that's because the lyrics didn't really pin down a strong emotion that I could relate to. Again, the words & music created some undeniable emotion but I just stared tuning out after a while. If I were working with this writer, I'd want to know what he/she is crazy passionate about in life then work up a song from that place. I think you can have a passive laid back song & still be reactive in subject matter. An example might be "Fire & Rain" by James Taylor. Very chill song musically but lyrically cuts to the heart. Overall I very much enjoyed this song & it certainly peaked my interest to hear more from this artist.
Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
Male & female vocalists have a good blend. The melody was nice & overall the song has a charming quality to it. Everyone can relate to a special place where we all go to get away from the world, so that's a relatable theme. It's also a theme that's been done to death, so I would suggest the writers find ways to write about these kind of subjects from a different angle….a unique one that no one else has touched on yet. I know that's easier said then done, but it's something worth working towards to make your songs stand out. A modern example would be Christina Perri's "Jar Of Hearts" a song about her boyfriend breaking up with her. She could have called the song "He left me" or "I'm alone again" ect. But instead she chose a unique angle & great title. And your title actually is a strong one. The only other thing I would suggest is to work on improving the music production. It sounds like a programmed beat & piano pattern on an old keyboard. True it adds a little charm but it's also very dated & thin sounding. Either network with other producers to help you with your songs or just start watching some "how to" music production videos on youtube. There're tons to choose from these days. And of course none of this is necessary if you're just recording for fun. But if you really want to take things to the next level, the production has to be better. Other than that, I enjoyed your song & think there's a lot of talent here!
Ross Durand - Rusty
Great title & I dig the Tom Petty-ish vocals. I admire the writers honesty & it's easy for the rest of us to sing along because of the strong attitude of the singer. The drums sounded like a pattern played from a keyboard which unfortunately works against the edgy gritty vibe of the song. They really need to be real drums but I understand that's not always easy to make happen. Working with a producer would be a suggestion or if your self-producing, experiment with other ways to do the drums. Possibly a loop from a recording program such as Acid Pro or Propellerhead's Reason. Then you have a sample of real drums. Makes a big difference. Other than that, nice tune!
Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
The laid back vocal fits nice with the sparse production & sweet lyrics. Totally diggin the solo in the middle….fretless bass? Whatever it is, I love it because I wasn't expecting it. The chord changes in spots are unpredictable….which again, I love. In a world of predictable songs this one sticks out in a good way. Sometimes songwriters will choose strange chords to be different but it ends up sounding so weird the listener can't get into it. Not the case here. A nice retro Beach Boys/Jack Johnson vibe going on but still current sounding. Cool also how the title hooks near the end of the song. The only thing I would suggest on this one is possibly a more interesting opening with the guitar. It just strummed the opening chord a few times & didn't really interest me in what was coming. A melody played or a chord pattern that still fits with the song might work. Only a suggestion of course. Overall, I thought this was a great track! Awesome work!
Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
Very nice vocal on this one. And cool trumpet solo! Overall the song has a great feel & mood to it. And obviously the writer is a strong lyricist. I guess the song started to lose my interest after a couple minutes & my guess is that's because the lyrics didn't really pin down a strong emotion that I could relate to. Again, the words & music created some undeniable emotion but I just stared tuning out after a while. If I were working with this writer, I'd want to know what he/she is crazy passionate about in life then work up a song from that place. I think you can have a passive laid back song & still be reactive in subject matter. An example might be "Fire & Rain" by James Taylor. Very chill song musically but lyrically cuts to the heart. Overall I very much enjoyed this song & it certainly peaked my interest to hear more from this artist.
Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
Male & female vocalists have a good blend. The melody was nice & overall the song has a charming quality to it. Everyone can relate to a special place where we all go to get away from the world, so that's a relatable theme. It's also a theme that's been done to death, so I would suggest the writers find ways to write about these kind of subjects from a different angle….a unique one that no one else has touched on yet. I know that's easier said then done, but it's something worth working towards to make your songs stand out. A modern example would be Christina Perri's "Jar Of Hearts" a song about her boyfriend breaking up with her. She could have called the song "He left me" or "I'm alone again" ect. But instead she chose a unique angle & great title. And your title actually is a strong one. The only other thing I would suggest is to work on improving the music production. It sounds like a programmed beat & piano pattern on an old keyboard. True it adds a little charm but it's also very dated & thin sounding. Either network with other producers to help you with your songs or just start watching some "how to" music production videos on youtube. There're tons to choose from these days. And of course none of this is necessary if you're just recording for fun. But if you really want to take things to the next level, the production has to be better. Other than that, I enjoyed your song & think there's a lot of talent here!
Ross Durand - Rusty
Great title & I dig the Tom Petty-ish vocals. I admire the writers honesty & it's easy for the rest of us to sing along because of the strong attitude of the singer. The drums sounded like a pattern played from a keyboard which unfortunately works against the edgy gritty vibe of the song. They really need to be real drums but I understand that's not always easy to make happen. Working with a producer would be a suggestion or if your self-producing, experiment with other ways to do the drums. Possibly a loop from a recording program such as Acid Pro or Propellerhead's Reason. Then you have a sample of real drums. Makes a big difference. Other than that, nice tune!
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Mitchell Adam Johnson
All four of these songs are remarkable. And that's why I am going to make remarks about them all. I think 'Back Down The Road' & 'Rusty' are a little more straightforward... whereas 'In The DeVille' & 'Skipping Stones' are a bit more complex. And because of that, it was difficult for me to rank these songs. They are all SO well written. I'm hearing a lot of strong arrangements and tons of poppy melodies. What a good bunch of songwriters!
Anyway, here is my ranking, starting with 1st place:
1. Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
As usual, your song is really beautiful. Great vocal performances - both on the lead and harmony. There is the perfect amount of vulnerability in your voice - yet it still sounds confident. Fantastic trumpet bridge - especially when the harmony kicks in. Very Belle & Sebastian there. That's probably the best part of this song. Especially the V/ii chord - oh man!!!! And the descending bassline walk there! Heartbreaking lyrics. The harmonies at "but time is kind and terrible this much is true" are gorgeous - wait, maybe that's the best part of the song. Great job on the bassline - love how it's not always on the root! Wow, I absolutely love this song. The production/mixing is professional. The marchy snare - nice call. Really, this is perfect. I think overall, this is the best song you've submitted. You knew I'd love this song, didn't you? I'm giving this song first because it is 100% solid from start to finish - I loved every second of it. The other songs this round have some 'not quite as good' parts... not this song. There was a lot of care put into writing, arranging, and recording this song - and that shines.
2. Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
This song just keeps getting better and better. Nice staggered melodic lines - great harmony. Fantastic vocals. Hooks everywhere. Very 'Wedding Bell Blues.' I'm hearing some serious Mamas & Papas in there - in the vocals, the swung rhythm, and the jangly piano (nice job on those octave riffs). Great arranging on the synth string things and the organ. The "lalala" part is my favorite. Whoa, Pat's lala's are perfect - I LOVE IT! The follow-up chord progression is better that time around. Man, you guys wrote like a billion different parts to this song. I think when this song begins it's pretty good, but by the end it just kicks serious ass. The last vocal is wonderful. Like Charlie's song, this one takes a few listens to fully grasp. There is a lot going on at all times. Again, that lala part is so good - wish it happened more often - That is my favorite section of any song this round, without a doubt.
3. Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
For some reason this reminds me of the White Album... and Sam Phillips... and early Of Montreal (especially in the chord progression). Great vocal harmonies - creative. Cool how you were able to make a song catchy in an unusual time signature. Great slidey solo. Once the arpeggiated guitar kicks in, it really holds everything together. Wish you had that going on more often. Crazy chord progression - yet your gift for writing melodies has helped you tie it all together, seamlessly. You use the V/vi chord a lot, and it works well - it will hook us all in, without question. Towards the end of the song the progression gets a whole lot poppier - I like that. And those girl backing vocals are fantastic - sounds a lot like something Lennon would've done. That's my favorite part of this song.
4. Ross Durand - Rusty
That is awesome tone on your lead guitar (probably my favorite thing about this song). This is a really well written song - I can see people singing along to this! I hear some Dire Straits in there. Nice hook - very memorable - really - I can TOTALLY see a lot of people really digging this song. Simple and poppy chord progression. A little loose on some of the rhythms, but besides that, it's solid. Clever lyrics - love how it works on two levels.
Anyway, here is my ranking, starting with 1st place:
1. Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
As usual, your song is really beautiful. Great vocal performances - both on the lead and harmony. There is the perfect amount of vulnerability in your voice - yet it still sounds confident. Fantastic trumpet bridge - especially when the harmony kicks in. Very Belle & Sebastian there. That's probably the best part of this song. Especially the V/ii chord - oh man!!!! And the descending bassline walk there! Heartbreaking lyrics. The harmonies at "but time is kind and terrible this much is true" are gorgeous - wait, maybe that's the best part of the song. Great job on the bassline - love how it's not always on the root! Wow, I absolutely love this song. The production/mixing is professional. The marchy snare - nice call. Really, this is perfect. I think overall, this is the best song you've submitted. You knew I'd love this song, didn't you? I'm giving this song first because it is 100% solid from start to finish - I loved every second of it. The other songs this round have some 'not quite as good' parts... not this song. There was a lot of care put into writing, arranging, and recording this song - and that shines.
2. Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
This song just keeps getting better and better. Nice staggered melodic lines - great harmony. Fantastic vocals. Hooks everywhere. Very 'Wedding Bell Blues.' I'm hearing some serious Mamas & Papas in there - in the vocals, the swung rhythm, and the jangly piano (nice job on those octave riffs). Great arranging on the synth string things and the organ. The "lalala" part is my favorite. Whoa, Pat's lala's are perfect - I LOVE IT! The follow-up chord progression is better that time around. Man, you guys wrote like a billion different parts to this song. I think when this song begins it's pretty good, but by the end it just kicks serious ass. The last vocal is wonderful. Like Charlie's song, this one takes a few listens to fully grasp. There is a lot going on at all times. Again, that lala part is so good - wish it happened more often - That is my favorite section of any song this round, without a doubt.
3. Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
For some reason this reminds me of the White Album... and Sam Phillips... and early Of Montreal (especially in the chord progression). Great vocal harmonies - creative. Cool how you were able to make a song catchy in an unusual time signature. Great slidey solo. Once the arpeggiated guitar kicks in, it really holds everything together. Wish you had that going on more often. Crazy chord progression - yet your gift for writing melodies has helped you tie it all together, seamlessly. You use the V/vi chord a lot, and it works well - it will hook us all in, without question. Towards the end of the song the progression gets a whole lot poppier - I like that. And those girl backing vocals are fantastic - sounds a lot like something Lennon would've done. That's my favorite part of this song.
4. Ross Durand - Rusty
That is awesome tone on your lead guitar (probably my favorite thing about this song). This is a really well written song - I can see people singing along to this! I hear some Dire Straits in there. Nice hook - very memorable - really - I can TOTALLY see a lot of people really digging this song. Simple and poppy chord progression. A little loose on some of the rhythms, but besides that, it's solid. Clever lyrics - love how it works on two levels.
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Ben Davila
1. Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
interesting chord progression
I like the 6/8 feel
this is very cute
2. Matt And Donna - Back down The Road
strong piano
love the horns
strong rhymes
good analogy's
good backing vox
3. Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
I like the story
strong chorus
I like the jangly piano
like the backing vox in the last chorus
nice ending
4. Ross Durand - Rusty
Like the shaker
good country sound
good harmonys on the chours
like the first person personification
interesting chord progression
I like the 6/8 feel
this is very cute
2. Matt And Donna - Back down The Road
strong piano
love the horns
strong rhymes
good analogy's
good backing vox
3. Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
I like the story
strong chorus
I like the jangly piano
like the backing vox in the last chorus
nice ending
4. Ross Durand - Rusty
Like the shaker
good country sound
good harmonys on the chours
like the first person personification
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: David Santucci
I liked all of these entries a lot!! Great job to everyone and congratulations for making it to the final round!!
In my mind Ross’ entry stands out as the clear winner, and after that it was really tough to place the others. I liked them all just about equally. So, after giving them each a few listens and thinking about it quite a bit, I decided that Charlie’s entry, while I love the catchy sound and unconventional structure of it, had to take last place simply because it failed to meet the challenge much more than the other entries. If it weren’t for that, I probably would’ve given it second place because it is much less generic sounding than the two remaining entries. But, the challenge has to count for a lot, so that’s how I scored this.
My picks for #2 and #3 could have been either/or, and I finally, once again, had to let the deciding factor be which one I felt met the challenge the best, and so Matt & Donna get second place in my book.
I think this round, in spite of having the fewest entries, was the hardest to rank. I could barely find anything to criticize or find fault with in any of these songs!! Excellent work. All of you make me feel totally inadequate as a song writer and not worthy to be a judge in this competition, and I say that with complete sincerity.
4. Charlie McCarron – Skipping Stones
Really unconventional meter and creative chord progression… I really like this song! Nice build to the end; really boppin’ tune. I liked it a lot, but felt this was the least relevant entry in terms of the challenge. The connection to the photo was very sweet, but ancillary at best, in terms of how much of the lyrics you spent relating to the car and the scene of the photo. (Relatively little.)
2. Matt & Donna – Back Down The Road
Really pleasant sound. Very easy to listen to. Great job at meeting the challenge! Love the choice of doing this from the point of view of the car as a character with thoughts & feelings. Not sure if there was ever a big climax to this; it stayed relatively the same intenstity the whole way through, although added instrumentation part way through did give it some variation and expanded the texture a little. Great sound on the harmony vocals. I like it a lot!
3. Pat & Gweebol – In The DeVille
Great lyrics! Great sound. Sweet story. Liked it a lot! The synth violin sound at first was annoying but I didn’t mind it as much by the end of the song. Too many instruments during the climactic last chorus though; I wasn’t able to hear the counterpoint lyrics enough to understand what was being said. If you’re going to have counterpoint lyrics answering one another, make sure they’re loud enough in the mix to be heard… or remove an instrument or two so they don’t get lost in the texture. This is a very minor criticism however. I still love the sound. Overall, great job.
1. Ross Durand – Rusty
Like Matt & Donna’s entry, I love that you did this from the point of view of the car. I was hoping someone would do this! I think your song, of all the entries, was the most relevant to the picture. This song was completely about the picture, every single lyric was all about this car and the state it is in. Major points for that. Also, major points for creating the only song in this round that really rocked. The tambourine and happy 60’s rock guitar licks added just the right sounds to make this a classic tune. Excellent job on the mix with your harmony vocals too; the harmonies add subtle texture and don’t overpower the lead vocal. All around, rock solid entry. Love it.
In my mind Ross’ entry stands out as the clear winner, and after that it was really tough to place the others. I liked them all just about equally. So, after giving them each a few listens and thinking about it quite a bit, I decided that Charlie’s entry, while I love the catchy sound and unconventional structure of it, had to take last place simply because it failed to meet the challenge much more than the other entries. If it weren’t for that, I probably would’ve given it second place because it is much less generic sounding than the two remaining entries. But, the challenge has to count for a lot, so that’s how I scored this.
My picks for #2 and #3 could have been either/or, and I finally, once again, had to let the deciding factor be which one I felt met the challenge the best, and so Matt & Donna get second place in my book.
I think this round, in spite of having the fewest entries, was the hardest to rank. I could barely find anything to criticize or find fault with in any of these songs!! Excellent work. All of you make me feel totally inadequate as a song writer and not worthy to be a judge in this competition, and I say that with complete sincerity.
4. Charlie McCarron – Skipping Stones
Really unconventional meter and creative chord progression… I really like this song! Nice build to the end; really boppin’ tune. I liked it a lot, but felt this was the least relevant entry in terms of the challenge. The connection to the photo was very sweet, but ancillary at best, in terms of how much of the lyrics you spent relating to the car and the scene of the photo. (Relatively little.)
2. Matt & Donna – Back Down The Road
Really pleasant sound. Very easy to listen to. Great job at meeting the challenge! Love the choice of doing this from the point of view of the car as a character with thoughts & feelings. Not sure if there was ever a big climax to this; it stayed relatively the same intenstity the whole way through, although added instrumentation part way through did give it some variation and expanded the texture a little. Great sound on the harmony vocals. I like it a lot!
3. Pat & Gweebol – In The DeVille
Great lyrics! Great sound. Sweet story. Liked it a lot! The synth violin sound at first was annoying but I didn’t mind it as much by the end of the song. Too many instruments during the climactic last chorus though; I wasn’t able to hear the counterpoint lyrics enough to understand what was being said. If you’re going to have counterpoint lyrics answering one another, make sure they’re loud enough in the mix to be heard… or remove an instrument or two so they don’t get lost in the texture. This is a very minor criticism however. I still love the sound. Overall, great job.
1. Ross Durand – Rusty
Like Matt & Donna’s entry, I love that you did this from the point of view of the car. I was hoping someone would do this! I think your song, of all the entries, was the most relevant to the picture. This song was completely about the picture, every single lyric was all about this car and the state it is in. Major points for that. Also, major points for creating the only song in this round that really rocked. The tambourine and happy 60’s rock guitar licks added just the right sounds to make this a classic tune. Excellent job on the mix with your harmony vocals too; the harmonies add subtle texture and don’t overpower the lead vocal. All around, rock solid entry. Love it.
SpinTunes #3 Round 4 Review: Glenn Case
Matt And Donna - Back Down The Road
Great melody, and it’s probably my favorite I have heard from you to date.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10
Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
I enjoy the chord structure and the way you interpreted the photo into the lyrical content.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
Good melody and lyrics. The dynamics are flat, and that does the song a disservice. Not wild about the choices of keyboard patches.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Ross Durand – Rusty
Lyrics are quite good, as your lyrics often are. I still don’t care for your vocals, but that’s a personal preference more than anything. Is there a bass instrument in there? Song probably would have benefitted greatly from a little more on the low end. Song structure is sufficient.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Great melody, and it’s probably my favorite I have heard from you to date.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10
Charlie McCarron - Skipping Stones
I enjoy the chord structure and the way you interpreted the photo into the lyrical content.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Pat And Gweebol - In The DeVille
Good melody and lyrics. The dynamics are flat, and that does the song a disservice. Not wild about the choices of keyboard patches.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Ross Durand – Rusty
Lyrics are quite good, as your lyrics often are. I still don’t care for your vocals, but that’s a personal preference more than anything. Is there a bass instrument in there? Song probably would have benefitted greatly from a little more on the low end. Song structure is sufficient.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
SpinTunes 3: Round 4 Songs
The album is now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entry as well.
For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.
"In the last round, everyone who has been eliminated (who also submitted at least 1 song) will be allowed to rank the songs. This round the judges have no say in matters, but they will still be required to review each song. Rules for a tie are altered just a bit. Popular vote is the first deciding factor, then the judges, and then I am the last deciding factor." - Rules Page
I'll be going through the list of sign-ups tonight/this morning & sending e-mails to those who are allowed to vote & rank the songs this time. If you don't get an e-mail, but think you should have a vote feel free to contact me. (rumor has it I'm not perfect) Your rankings will not be published on the blog, but I will be posting the names of the people who vote.
I want to thank people for staying at the LP even though there was a 25 minute delay due to tech issues. Tested it yesterday, was fine. Tested it today, it was fine. Broadcasted a Pre-Show for over an hour before the LP, and it was fine. 5 minutes before the LP was supposed to start...shit storm. So thanks for entering great songs & sticking around for the show. Good luck to all 4 finalist.
You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Dr. Lindyke & Photo by Reinfried Marass)
People Who Have Voted:
Luke Brekke, Esquire - The Offhand Band - Gold Lion - Edric Haleen - Wait What - The Boffo Yux Dudes - Ethan Ivey - Caleb Hines - Bryce Jensen - Jutze - Chris Cogott - Spencer Sokol - Dr. Lindyke - Menage' a Tune - Emperor Gum - Inverse T. Clown - Heather Miller - Matt Walton - "Buckethat" Bobby Matheson - Governing Dynamics - Steve Durand - David Ritter - Common Lisp - Godz Poodlz
(24 of 40 votes have been cast.)
- August 6th 11PM (M) - Judges reviews are due & eliminated competitors rankings are due.
- August 7th 1AM (T) - Reviews are posted & the winner is announced.
- You can vote for your favorite song with the poll in the right sidebar. -->
(If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here.)
Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)
- Sammy Kablam posted a Negative Reinforcement review of this round.
For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.
"In the last round, everyone who has been eliminated (who also submitted at least 1 song) will be allowed to rank the songs. This round the judges have no say in matters, but they will still be required to review each song. Rules for a tie are altered just a bit. Popular vote is the first deciding factor, then the judges, and then I am the last deciding factor." - Rules Page
I'll be going through the list of sign-ups tonight/this morning & sending e-mails to those who are allowed to vote & rank the songs this time. If you don't get an e-mail, but think you should have a vote feel free to contact me. (rumor has it I'm not perfect) Your rankings will not be published on the blog, but I will be posting the names of the people who vote.
I want to thank people for staying at the LP even though there was a 25 minute delay due to tech issues. Tested it yesterday, was fine. Tested it today, it was fine. Broadcasted a Pre-Show for over an hour before the LP, and it was fine. 5 minutes before the LP was supposed to start...shit storm. So thanks for entering great songs & sticking around for the show. Good luck to all 4 finalist.
You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

People Who Have Voted:
Luke Brekke, Esquire - The Offhand Band - Gold Lion - Edric Haleen - Wait What - The Boffo Yux Dudes - Ethan Ivey - Caleb Hines - Bryce Jensen - Jutze - Chris Cogott - Spencer Sokol - Dr. Lindyke - Menage' a Tune - Emperor Gum - Inverse T. Clown - Heather Miller - Matt Walton - "Buckethat" Bobby Matheson - Governing Dynamics - Steve Durand - David Ritter - Common Lisp - Godz Poodlz
(24 of 40 votes have been cast.)
- August 6th 11PM (M) - Judges reviews are due & eliminated competitors rankings are due.
- August 7th 1AM (T) - Reviews are posted & the winner is announced.
- You can vote for your favorite song with the poll in the right sidebar. -->
(If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here.)
Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)
- Sammy Kablam posted a Negative Reinforcement review of this round.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Round 4 LP & Deadline News
Thankfully, even though a couple tempted fate, all 4 finalist turned in a song by the deadline.
The listening party will be hosted by me on August 1st (THAT‘S TODAY), and it starts at 8PM. I hope you decide to stop by, and bring friends. I’ll start a pre-show around 7PM for those who want to come & hangout early. The album will be available for FREE listen & download shortly after the LP.
I've been having a lot of tech issues lately, so fingers crossed that this LP goes ok.
Listening Party Location: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/spintunes
Deadline Eliminations: N/A
And The Winner Is: I just want to remind everyone that the judges do not decide who wins SpinTunes. The popular vote does not decide who wins SpinTunes. The people who signed up for the contest (who also provided at least 1 entry) decide who wins SpinTunes.
After the album is posted, anyone who meets that criteria will be allow to e-mail me their votes. Just like the judges, you will have to rank the 4 finalist from favorite to least favorite. Your rankings will not be shared unless you decide to do so, but I will post the names of everyone who voted in the final round. For bands who have more than 1 member, you only get 1 vote. You'll have to talk it over with each other to decide how to cast your vote. More details about the final round can be found on the rules page.
The listening party will be hosted by me on August 1st (THAT‘S TODAY), and it starts at 8PM. I hope you decide to stop by, and bring friends. I’ll start a pre-show around 7PM for those who want to come & hangout early. The album will be available for FREE listen & download shortly after the LP.
I've been having a lot of tech issues lately, so fingers crossed that this LP goes ok.
Listening Party Location: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/spintunes
Deadline Eliminations: N/A
And The Winner Is: I just want to remind everyone that the judges do not decide who wins SpinTunes. The popular vote does not decide who wins SpinTunes. The people who signed up for the contest (who also provided at least 1 entry) decide who wins SpinTunes.
After the album is posted, anyone who meets that criteria will be allow to e-mail me their votes. Just like the judges, you will have to rank the 4 finalist from favorite to least favorite. Your rankings will not be shared unless you decide to do so, but I will post the names of everyone who voted in the final round. For bands who have more than 1 member, you only get 1 vote. You'll have to talk it over with each other to decide how to cast your vote. More details about the final round can be found on the rules page.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
SpinTunes #3: Round 4 Challenge
A Picture's Worth A Thousand Lyrics - Write a song inspired by the Reinfried Marass photo below:
(2 minute minimum) (your submission is due July 31st 11:59PM)
You can find more of his wonderful photography by visiting his website: http://reinfriedmarass.com/ Only the picture embedded above is allowed to be used for the contest though.
Submitting Entries:
- Entries must be received by the given deadline. Otherwise it'll be posted as a shadow. Received means that it has to appear in my e-mail inbox by the given deadline. I will be going by the time stamp on the e-mail in my inbox. PLEASE do not wait until the last hour to send me something. If there is a blackout in your area, your computer crashes, or your dog actually eats your thumb drive...I will not care. You are allowed to send in a draft of your song early just in case something horrible happens & you miss the deadline. Then you can add polish to your song & send in a better version closer to the deadline. 1 minute late is still late people.
- Send your file in a format that Bandcamp accepts. (.aiff, .wav or .flac) (at least 16-bit/44.1kHz) You can find the specific requirements for Bandcamp files HERE. You do not have to send in MP3's.
- Name your file the song's title, but without spaces & punctuation.
- Title of the e-mail should be the title of the Challenge & your band's name.
- Include the song lyrics in the body of the e-mail. (If your song doesn't have lyrics...consider yourself eliminated. Instrumentals can be pretty, but SpinTunes does require lyrics.)
- Include information on anyone that needs credited if you collabed with someone.
- File sharing options if you need them: YouSendIt, Sound Cloud, Drop Box, RapidShare, ZShare & MediaFire. Please send an e-mail as I already stated, but with the download link if you need one of these services. Please follow directions so your file doesn't wind up in my spam or trash folder accidentally.
- If you have a BandCamp account, you can just send me a link to your song on BandCamp if you include all the info I mentioned above. Make sure you have it set as a free download, and have it set so that I don't have to put in an e-mail to download it if you pick this option. THIS IS THE BEST FILE SHARING OPTION!
Side Notes:
- PLEASE do your best to send in submissions that BandCamp will allow me to upload. Details about what BandCamp allows are only a mouse click away.
- Remember that you are allowed to send in a little background about your song. Some people don't like to do that, and you don't have to, but if you want to write a couple sentences about your song I'll post it on the BandCamp page for people to see. Some judges will look at the lyrics & this extra info, but they aren't required to.
- If you didn't sign-up in time to compete in SpinTunes #3, you can still complete the challenge & send in a song. It'll be uploaded with the other entries as a "Shadow Song". Check the FAQ if you don't know what that means. You can even complete past challenges from previous contests.
- If you didn't sign-up you can also do a song for "Single Rainbow Across The Internet". You're song would be played during the LP as well.
- The only other way to get your music played at the LP is to cover "Today's The Day" by Inverse T. Clown. This project was started in our little community of friends long before SpinTunes even started.
- Feel free to leave any questions in the comments.

You can find more of his wonderful photography by visiting his website: http://reinfriedmarass.com/ Only the picture embedded above is allowed to be used for the contest though.
Submitting Entries:
- Entries must be received by the given deadline. Otherwise it'll be posted as a shadow. Received means that it has to appear in my e-mail inbox by the given deadline. I will be going by the time stamp on the e-mail in my inbox. PLEASE do not wait until the last hour to send me something. If there is a blackout in your area, your computer crashes, or your dog actually eats your thumb drive...I will not care. You are allowed to send in a draft of your song early just in case something horrible happens & you miss the deadline. Then you can add polish to your song & send in a better version closer to the deadline. 1 minute late is still late people.
- Send your file in a format that Bandcamp accepts. (.aiff, .wav or .flac) (at least 16-bit/44.1kHz) You can find the specific requirements for Bandcamp files HERE. You do not have to send in MP3's.
- Name your file the song's title, but without spaces & punctuation.
- Title of the e-mail should be the title of the Challenge & your band's name.
- Include the song lyrics in the body of the e-mail. (If your song doesn't have lyrics...consider yourself eliminated. Instrumentals can be pretty, but SpinTunes does require lyrics.)
- Include information on anyone that needs credited if you collabed with someone.
- File sharing options if you need them: YouSendIt, Sound Cloud, Drop Box, RapidShare, ZShare & MediaFire. Please send an e-mail as I already stated, but with the download link if you need one of these services. Please follow directions so your file doesn't wind up in my spam or trash folder accidentally.
- If you have a BandCamp account, you can just send me a link to your song on BandCamp if you include all the info I mentioned above. Make sure you have it set as a free download, and have it set so that I don't have to put in an e-mail to download it if you pick this option. THIS IS THE BEST FILE SHARING OPTION!
Side Notes:
- PLEASE do your best to send in submissions that BandCamp will allow me to upload. Details about what BandCamp allows are only a mouse click away.
- Remember that you are allowed to send in a little background about your song. Some people don't like to do that, and you don't have to, but if you want to write a couple sentences about your song I'll post it on the BandCamp page for people to see. Some judges will look at the lyrics & this extra info, but they aren't required to.
- If you didn't sign-up in time to compete in SpinTunes #3, you can still complete the challenge & send in a song. It'll be uploaded with the other entries as a "Shadow Song". Check the FAQ if you don't know what that means. You can even complete past challenges from previous contests.
- If you didn't sign-up you can also do a song for "Single Rainbow Across The Internet". You're song would be played during the LP as well.
- The only other way to get your music played at the LP is to cover "Today's The Day" by Inverse T. Clown. This project was started in our little community of friends long before SpinTunes even started.
- Feel free to leave any questions in the comments.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Totals
The challenge for the final round will be posted tonight around 1AM.
Here are the links to the individual reviews:
Official Judges:
Mike Lombardo - Mitchell Adam Johnson - Dave Santucci - Ben Davila - Glenn Case
Guest Judges:
Kari Fleskes - Kevin Nalty
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin
You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.
Judges feel free to check my totals. I rarely make mistakes...but anything is possible. If my figures are correct the 8 people in bold have been eliminated from the contest. I really hope they decide to continue in the contest as shadows, and I thank EVERYONE for their hard work this round.
Notes About Results:
- Caleb Hines was DQ'ed based mostly on the fact that he didn't write the lyrics for his entry. So he was moved to the bottom of all the judges (and guest judges) rankings.
Total Scores: (Glenn) (Mike) (David) (Mitchell) (Ben) (Kari) (Kevin)
Pat And Gweebol - 2 - 8 - 11 - 9 - 12 - 11 - 8 (61)
Charlie McCarron - 12 - 9 - 9 - 12 - 2 - 9 - 7 (60)
Matt And Donna - 10 - 7 - 3 - 11 - 11 - 5 - 11 (58)
Ross Durand - 11 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 9 - 8 - 12 (53)
Steve Durand - 8 - 3 - 12 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 4 (52)
Jon Eric - 7 - 11 - 6 - 11 - 4 - 6 - 5 (50)
Dr. Lindyke - 6 - 10 - 8 - 3 - 3 - 12 - 3 (45)
The Offhand Band - 4 - 12 - 10 - 5 - 5 - 2 - 6 (44)
Edric Haleen - 5 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 10 - 7 - 10 (43)
Wait What - 3 - 6 - 4 - 8 - 6 - 3 - 9 (39)
Jutze - 9 - 2 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 (35)
Caleb Hines - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (7)
Glenn's Rankings:
Charlie McCarron - 12
Ross Durand - 11
Matt And Donna - 10
Jutze - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Jon Eric - 7
Dr. Lindyke - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
The Offhand Band - 4
Wait What - 3
Pat And Gweebol - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Mike's Rankings:
The Offhand Band - 12
Jon Eric - 11
Dr. Lindyke - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Pat And Gweebol - 8
Matt And Donna - 7
Wait What - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
Ross Durand - 4
Steve Durand - 3
Jutze - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
David's Rankings:
Steve Durand - 12
Pat And Gweebol - 11
The Offhand Band - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Dr. Lindyke - 8
Ross Durand - 7
Jon Eric - 6
Jutze - 5
Wait What - 4
Matt And Donna - 3
Edric Haleen - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Mitchell's Rankings:
Charlie McCarron - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Jon Eric - 10
Pat And Gweebol - 9
Wait What - 8
Steve Durand - 7
Jutze - 6
The Offhand Band - 5
Edric Haleen - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Ross Durand - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Ben's Rankings:
Pat And Gweebol - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
Ross Durand - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Jutze - 7
Wait What - 6
The Offhand Band - 5
Jon Eric - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Charlie McCarron - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Kari's Rankings:
Dr. Lindyke - 12
Pat And Gweebol - 11
Steve Durand - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Ross Durand - 8
Edric Haleen - 7
Jon Eric - 6
Matt And Donna - 5
Jutze - 4
Wait What - 3
The Offhand Band - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Kevin's Rankings:
Ross Durand - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
Wait What - 9
Pat And Gweebol - 8
Charlie McCarron - 7
The Offhand Band - 6
Jon Eric - 5
Steve Durand - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Jutze - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Popular Vote Totals:
Matt And Donna - 26
Pat And Gweebol - 21
Dr. Lindyke - 18
The Offhand Band - 14
Ross Durand - 14
Charlie McCarron - 13
Jon Eric - 8
Edric Haleen - 6
Caleb Hines - 5
Steve Durand - 4
Jutze - 4
Wait What - 2
(135 total votes)
Here are the links to the individual reviews:
Mike Lombardo - Mitchell Adam Johnson - Dave Santucci - Ben Davila - Glenn Case
Guest Judges:
Kari Fleskes - Kevin Nalty
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin
You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.
Judges feel free to check my totals. I rarely make mistakes...but anything is possible. If my figures are correct the 8 people in bold have been eliminated from the contest. I really hope they decide to continue in the contest as shadows, and I thank EVERYONE for their hard work this round.
Notes About Results:
- Caleb Hines was DQ'ed based mostly on the fact that he didn't write the lyrics for his entry. So he was moved to the bottom of all the judges (and guest judges) rankings.
Total Scores: (Glenn) (Mike) (David) (Mitchell) (Ben) (Kari) (Kevin)
Pat And Gweebol - 2 - 8 - 11 - 9 - 12 - 11 - 8 (61)
Charlie McCarron - 12 - 9 - 9 - 12 - 2 - 9 - 7 (60)
Matt And Donna - 10 - 7 - 3 - 11 - 11 - 5 - 11 (58)
Ross Durand - 11 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 9 - 8 - 12 (53)
Steve Durand - 8 - 3 - 12 - 7 - 8 - 10 - 4 (52)
Jon Eric - 7 - 11 - 6 - 11 - 4 - 6 - 5 (50)
Dr. Lindyke - 6 - 10 - 8 - 3 - 3 - 12 - 3 (45)
The Offhand Band - 4 - 12 - 10 - 5 - 5 - 2 - 6 (44)
Edric Haleen - 5 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 10 - 7 - 10 (43)
Wait What - 3 - 6 - 4 - 8 - 6 - 3 - 9 (39)
Jutze - 9 - 2 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 (35)
Caleb Hines - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (7)
Glenn's Rankings:
Charlie McCarron - 12
Ross Durand - 11
Matt And Donna - 10
Jutze - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Jon Eric - 7
Dr. Lindyke - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
The Offhand Band - 4
Wait What - 3
Pat And Gweebol - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Mike's Rankings:
The Offhand Band - 12
Jon Eric - 11
Dr. Lindyke - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Pat And Gweebol - 8
Matt And Donna - 7
Wait What - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
Ross Durand - 4
Steve Durand - 3
Jutze - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
David's Rankings:
Steve Durand - 12
Pat And Gweebol - 11
The Offhand Band - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Dr. Lindyke - 8
Ross Durand - 7
Jon Eric - 6
Jutze - 5
Wait What - 4
Matt And Donna - 3
Edric Haleen - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Mitchell's Rankings:
Charlie McCarron - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Jon Eric - 10
Pat And Gweebol - 9
Wait What - 8
Steve Durand - 7
Jutze - 6
The Offhand Band - 5
Edric Haleen - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Ross Durand - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Ben's Rankings:
Pat And Gweebol - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
Ross Durand - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Jutze - 7
Wait What - 6
The Offhand Band - 5
Jon Eric - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Charlie McCarron - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Kari's Rankings:
Dr. Lindyke - 12
Pat And Gweebol - 11
Steve Durand - 10
Charlie McCarron - 9
Ross Durand - 8
Edric Haleen - 7
Jon Eric - 6
Matt And Donna - 5
Jutze - 4
Wait What - 3
The Offhand Band - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Kevin's Rankings:
Ross Durand - 12
Matt And Donna - 11
Edric Haleen - 10
Wait What - 9
Pat And Gweebol - 8
Charlie McCarron - 7
The Offhand Band - 6
Jon Eric - 5
Steve Durand - 4
Dr. Lindyke - 3
Jutze - 2
Caleb Hines - 1
Popular Vote Totals:
Matt And Donna - 26
Pat And Gweebol - 21
Dr. Lindyke - 18
The Offhand Band - 14
Ross Durand - 14
Charlie McCarron - 13
Jon Eric - 8
Edric Haleen - 6
Caleb Hines - 5
Steve Durand - 4
Jutze - 4
Wait What - 2
(135 total votes)
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Kevin Nalty
YouTube has been a pretty important tool for spreading the awareness of SpinTunes & I've contacted many of our competitors in the past via YouTube. Kevin Nalty is a legend on YouTube, and knows more about viral marketing than I could ever hope to. Since I've been a fan for a long time, I thought it would be cool to get him to review a round of SpinTunes.
Mall Pranks
Here's one of my favorite videos that he has made.
It’s an honor to judge SpinTunes #3 round-3 rap challenge. I can distinctly recall the day I first met a rap fan in 1986. He was a classmate, and after he played me a few Beastie Boys tunes at his house, he agreed to drive me home. But on route he told me he was going to steal a computer by smashing a store window with a brick. I politely asked to be dropped off at a corner before his crime, and he later told me his theft was a fail… the window display was a prop.
Rap has come a long way since the late 1980s, and is now threaded into the fabric of nearly every musical genre. This collection is difficult to rank, however, because you’ll find yourself see-sawing between assessing the rap song and the artist. In many cases the musicians are gifted but in the wrong genre. In other cases we’ve got a nice rap composition that’s tarnished with an element that doesn’t mix. I like spinach and ice cream, but not together.
To offset my temporal disadvantage (old age) I recruited three teenage girls to help… my daughter and her cousins. I trust the artists will take no offense since we’re a motley crew with various tastes. We listened, debated, and listened again. Some songs shot up the list after a few plays, and others began to grate on us. The lesson is that you can’t underestimate rap artists. A song can crumble with just one odd loop, misplaced singer, or flare that doesn’t match the hip-hop sound. The mix of speech, prose, poetry and song is easier to criticize than master.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
This was at first just a “guilty pleasure,” but it began to grow on us. The infections chorus chants Kumbaya, which was an African American spiritual song from the 1930s and campfire favorite. It doesn’t technically belong in the rap category but it made us all smile and got the most replays of our judging session. The mix reminds us of Jason Derulo’s “Don’t Wanna Go Home,” which borrows from Harry Belafante’s “Banana Boat.”
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
It’s Beach Boys meets High School Musical in this kids favorite. Was it a pure rap? Nope. But we like the chorus and the melody and it’s got one of the most professional mixes of the pack.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
He’s lost his girl, Jennifer, and he’s trying to get over this six-year relationship. Even his Netflix cue reminds him of her. Before we get too sympathetic, the singer also has some Fatal Attraction going on: “If you had a rabbit I might make stew,” he warns. This singer is cool and quirky, even though we all agreed he needed a Red Bull. The song has an interesting depth, though, and my opinion seemed to change each time I listened to it.
Pat And Gweebol - Tickitock (Top Tad)
This is a solid rap with some of the best lyrics of the bunch. It’s a bit amateur, but with some better sound engineering you could envision this song leading this round. Is he rapping? I’m not sure, but he’s got great potential if he can get his voice to come less from his throat and more from his diaphragm. The female accompaniment is nice, and the duo has something I’m sure many will like.
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
We all liked Charlie’s voice even though it’s clearly designed to accompany an acoustic guitar. The song had a “movie trailer” vibe with a very cool choir. It may be a bit too subdued (maybe nasal) for most rap enthusiasts, but it’s definitely getting “Trail in the Snow” an honorable mention.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
This song made us giggle, and I am not sure that was intended by the creators. It has some nice elements, but it appears to be trying too hard. Still, I have to admit that I’d more likely replay this song than some of the ones that took higher honors. There’s something “earworm” about the chorus, “not cool.”
Jon Eric - The Dance
We really liked this tune – especially the introduction. I’d like to see Jon performing at a piano bar, however. Can he rap? Maybe, and the song has a nice composition. It’s just that he and his female backup singer have definitive chorus voices and theatrical flare, and that just seems to clash with the percussion.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Edric is professional Broadway material, and “Sarah” was initially my first pick. But like “The Dance,” it’s just out of category here. Edric slips into rap after two minutes, and his song has cool elements. If it didn’t clash with the soul of rap it’d be my favorite.
The Boffo Yux Dudes - It’s All About The Benjamins
I suspect there are some drunk college kids that would berate me for not selecting this as a winner. It’s funny, quirky and the rhyme is good. And while the rapping is actually among the best, the ominous chorus just freaked me out. Sorry.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
Durand’s song has a “Big Band” and jazz groove. While it’s nice, we couldn’t reconcile the jazz flare with rap music. This song does get points for its clever lyrics (“Can’t make love in an open cubicle”) and hipster vibe.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
Does anyone else remember Baz Luhrmann’s “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)”? This song, say the kids, is “not what you normally hear in rap.” It’s like an old dude accompanied by a high-school acapella group. But who am I to speak? I’m an old guy judging rap songs with my daughter and her friends. “Politics and Promises” had a nice beat and it grew on me.
Ethan Ivey - Entry 3
This is a song with strong rhyme and structure, and if it was recorded differently it would take a higher ranking. But the voice pops on the mic, and the recording sounds amateur. Still, it gets cred for its lyrics and the videogame-like loop.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
I thought it was a bit “William Hung,” but the girls felt it was more Will Smith (specifically the Prince Bel-Air). I think in highschool I would have picked this one as my favorite simply for the sampling of the word “penis.” It has a cool scratching, retro vibe with banjo and horn loops.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
Two Musicians has a haunted intro that we might play at our Halloween party. In fact we waited eagerly for Vincent Price’s manic laugh. Is this guy 12 or 50 years old? We’re not sure, but there’s an intriguing subtle melody here. We wanted a higher pace of stronger voice. Said my niece, “it sounds like the guy recorded it under a bridge while smoking pot.” I’d put that comment on my musical resume.
Menage’ a Tune - Roman Road Map
This is the “cringer” of the album, and was perhaps recorded by that odd woman down the street… the one that talks to her dog. My daughter urged me, “please say something nice about it.” So here it is… it was nice when it was over.
Mall Pranks
Here's one of my favorite videos that he has made.
Rap has come a long way since the late 1980s, and is now threaded into the fabric of nearly every musical genre. This collection is difficult to rank, however, because you’ll find yourself see-sawing between assessing the rap song and the artist. In many cases the musicians are gifted but in the wrong genre. In other cases we’ve got a nice rap composition that’s tarnished with an element that doesn’t mix. I like spinach and ice cream, but not together.
To offset my temporal disadvantage (old age) I recruited three teenage girls to help… my daughter and her cousins. I trust the artists will take no offense since we’re a motley crew with various tastes. We listened, debated, and listened again. Some songs shot up the list after a few plays, and others began to grate on us. The lesson is that you can’t underestimate rap artists. A song can crumble with just one odd loop, misplaced singer, or flare that doesn’t match the hip-hop sound. The mix of speech, prose, poetry and song is easier to criticize than master.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
This was at first just a “guilty pleasure,” but it began to grow on us. The infections chorus chants Kumbaya, which was an African American spiritual song from the 1930s and campfire favorite. It doesn’t technically belong in the rap category but it made us all smile and got the most replays of our judging session. The mix reminds us of Jason Derulo’s “Don’t Wanna Go Home,” which borrows from Harry Belafante’s “Banana Boat.”
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
It’s Beach Boys meets High School Musical in this kids favorite. Was it a pure rap? Nope. But we like the chorus and the melody and it’s got one of the most professional mixes of the pack.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
He’s lost his girl, Jennifer, and he’s trying to get over this six-year relationship. Even his Netflix cue reminds him of her. Before we get too sympathetic, the singer also has some Fatal Attraction going on: “If you had a rabbit I might make stew,” he warns. This singer is cool and quirky, even though we all agreed he needed a Red Bull. The song has an interesting depth, though, and my opinion seemed to change each time I listened to it.
Pat And Gweebol - Tickitock (Top Tad)
This is a solid rap with some of the best lyrics of the bunch. It’s a bit amateur, but with some better sound engineering you could envision this song leading this round. Is he rapping? I’m not sure, but he’s got great potential if he can get his voice to come less from his throat and more from his diaphragm. The female accompaniment is nice, and the duo has something I’m sure many will like.
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
We all liked Charlie’s voice even though it’s clearly designed to accompany an acoustic guitar. The song had a “movie trailer” vibe with a very cool choir. It may be a bit too subdued (maybe nasal) for most rap enthusiasts, but it’s definitely getting “Trail in the Snow” an honorable mention.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
This song made us giggle, and I am not sure that was intended by the creators. It has some nice elements, but it appears to be trying too hard. Still, I have to admit that I’d more likely replay this song than some of the ones that took higher honors. There’s something “earworm” about the chorus, “not cool.”
Jon Eric - The Dance
We really liked this tune – especially the introduction. I’d like to see Jon performing at a piano bar, however. Can he rap? Maybe, and the song has a nice composition. It’s just that he and his female backup singer have definitive chorus voices and theatrical flare, and that just seems to clash with the percussion.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Edric is professional Broadway material, and “Sarah” was initially my first pick. But like “The Dance,” it’s just out of category here. Edric slips into rap after two minutes, and his song has cool elements. If it didn’t clash with the soul of rap it’d be my favorite.
The Boffo Yux Dudes - It’s All About The Benjamins
I suspect there are some drunk college kids that would berate me for not selecting this as a winner. It’s funny, quirky and the rhyme is good. And while the rapping is actually among the best, the ominous chorus just freaked me out. Sorry.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
Durand’s song has a “Big Band” and jazz groove. While it’s nice, we couldn’t reconcile the jazz flare with rap music. This song does get points for its clever lyrics (“Can’t make love in an open cubicle”) and hipster vibe.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
Does anyone else remember Baz Luhrmann’s “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)”? This song, say the kids, is “not what you normally hear in rap.” It’s like an old dude accompanied by a high-school acapella group. But who am I to speak? I’m an old guy judging rap songs with my daughter and her friends. “Politics and Promises” had a nice beat and it grew on me.
Ethan Ivey - Entry 3
This is a song with strong rhyme and structure, and if it was recorded differently it would take a higher ranking. But the voice pops on the mic, and the recording sounds amateur. Still, it gets cred for its lyrics and the videogame-like loop.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
I thought it was a bit “William Hung,” but the girls felt it was more Will Smith (specifically the Prince Bel-Air). I think in highschool I would have picked this one as my favorite simply for the sampling of the word “penis.” It has a cool scratching, retro vibe with banjo and horn loops.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
Two Musicians has a haunted intro that we might play at our Halloween party. In fact we waited eagerly for Vincent Price’s manic laugh. Is this guy 12 or 50 years old? We’re not sure, but there’s an intriguing subtle melody here. We wanted a higher pace of stronger voice. Said my niece, “it sounds like the guy recorded it under a bridge while smoking pot.” I’d put that comment on my musical resume.
Menage’ a Tune - Roman Road Map
This is the “cringer” of the album, and was perhaps recorded by that odd woman down the street… the one that talks to her dog. My daughter urged me, “please say something nice about it.” So here it is… it was nice when it was over.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Kari Fleskes
I invited Kari to guest judge because I'm a fan of her YouTube channel, and she's a talented young lady who I thought could give helpful feedback. Go check the girl out.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises *****
Bravo! Firstly, GREAT title. Secondly, what a solid message! I bow to you, Dr. Lindyke. This might be my favorite. :) You've got a great vocal tone for the rapping in particular, great rhythm, a nice beat, wonderful verbal flow, and the lyrics are superb. It has a real honest feel to it, very sincere. Definitely pulls the listener in to the message, even if they've got different opinions. They'll still listen. Wonderfully done! I feel that this entry most thoroughly represents this challenge. Highest of high marks from me for whatever that's worth. :)
Pat And Gweebol - TikiTock (Top Tad) *****
I love this entry both as a listener, and as a writer. I absolutely love the way you've structured the rhythm of your lyric with the rhythm of your track. It's a very modern combination that you've executed perfectly. Great hook, and great melody for it. You've got a strong story, clearly stating the conflict as a specific individual. I love that you even took it as far as naming the guy. The perfect placement of the female verses and perspective makes the listener feel as if they're a friend of these people. They feel connected, might even be tempted to take sides. I love this song as a writer too, as I can admire that you've so clearly and smoothly defined three specific personalities, within two perspectives, within one story. It's completely brilliant. Excellent track. Top marks from me.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love ****
I have a very strong opinion of the proper use and proper amount of specific nouns used as descriptions. I feel that oftentimes it's either done really good or really bad. You, sir, have done it wonderfully. You've got a good majority being bold, common nouns used for a specific description, rather than relying on a proper noun to do the describing for you. Yet you've sprinkled even brand names into your lyric, being very descriptive. Extreme contrast. But it's done RIGHT. You've adding just the right amount, allowing your listener to feel as if he's "in on the loop" of the office romance lingo. This makes the listener emotionally interested in hearing the rest of your song. I also love the chorus. At first it felt a little late, but after hearing how it well it rounded out the track, I take it back. :) Expertly done. I also enjoyed the horns on this track, however the horns were very bluesy. I would have liked to hear them in smaller, designated sections. It rather takes away from your rap intention.
Charlie McCarron - In The Snow ****
What good writers here on SpinTown! I really enjoyed your song. I particularly like the contrast of the slow and moody idea of a spooky concept paired with the "harder" idea of a rap. I believe you combined these aspects perfectly. The lyrics were descriptive and suspenseful, and the beautiful singing of the chorus adds to the supernatural feel. I do wish you would have elaborated a little more as to the source of this suspenseful conflict. I think if you'd been a little more particular in defining your antagonist of the lyric, it would have had a little more emotional substance. I know even though a topic like this isn't an emotional one, you want the listener to become a part of your song. Rap in particular is known for invoking strong emotion. Also the background vocals and the melody is metaphorically rather emotional, so I feel a definite reason for this spookiness would have really brought the song full circle. However, overall, nicely done.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance ****
You, Ross Durand, are a genius. In my opinion, you've successfully woven multiple genres into a memorable creation. And your topic is about something your entire audience can understand: a summer love. You've got just enough nostalgia for the song to be relatable. I really commend your restraint on the metaphors; doing this has intensified the tone of memory without distracting from it. My favorite aspect of your piece was your cleverly placed alliteration. The way you've structured it, there's just the right amount of humor in exactly the right places. I think it also adds a rough, or "gravel" kind of feel to the lyric which really compliments the whole feeling of camp. Even though some might not consider this a "rap" at first listen, I really feel like it's a solid entry.
Edric Haleen - Sarah ***
As incredibly cool as this song was in it's structure, the tone for me was just a bit off. I loved how it began, the first two verses were enough. I wished screw it would have been a little more nervous, maybe an octave higher, or tight and tense rather than resigned. The dangling verse after "Screw It" is awkward. It repeats what is implied in the previous section, so you don't really need it. Trust your listener to be intelligent. They will infer in the first two verses what you're stating in that third one. You don't need it. The first little rap was maybe a bit longer than it needed to be since it was a first attempt, but the content is unique so it works. The second rap section (after "try that again") was the weakest link. Make it stronger, a little more confident than the first. It's tricky because it has to be better than the first, but not as good as the third. So it needs to be stronger, but the "mess up" needs to be funnier than your awkward stumbling in the first section. The third rap is great, I just wish it could have either been shortened, or the music changed to enhance it a lot more. Halfway through, it becomes stale, like we're waiting for something to happen. Go ahead and get to the climax of the song, have the guy go as far as confessing he's dreamed of having her babies, or painted pictures of their wedding day, or something really random and weird. You've started the song at a great point, the guy is timid and nervous, he doesn't know what to say and it's funny. At the end of the song when your character becomes different (more confident and honest) you should still have a little more humor. Your "small" character (at the beginning) has "small" humor (i.e. in what's implied and how he stutters), so your "big" character, or contrast character, should have "bigger" humor. And the ending is brilliant but it'll be even more punctuated if he postpones the crazy speech (or the "big" humor) until tomorrow. Have him go all in, he doesn't really say this to her anyway, right? No reason to have boundaries.
Ethan Ivey - Entry 3 (Shadow) ***
I liked the rhythm of the track very much. It's very easy to get into. The lyrics were superb. Great storytelling abilities and you deliver the lyric with a noticeable build in enthusiasm. I REALLY love this detail. In particular, I like the additions of the foul language to impact the panic of the situation. Very genius. As AWESOME as the ending was, it wasn't punctuated quite the way it could have been. Right now, the rhythm of your lyric doesn't change. And that's okay because you're building tension. I feel that's a suitable time to break the rules. However, the song doesn't actually reach a climax in the story. You need a good, strong, simple hook to break up the monotony of the rhythm. Breaking it up with a good hook will keep the rhythm catchy to the listener and also give you an opportunity to really set up a climax with a lyrical twist. Something ironic at the very end before it cuts out. Make the listener sad it ended, but satisfied with it as a whole.
The Boffo Yux Dudes - It's All About the Benjamins (Shadow) ***
Really nice job. I really liked the play on Benjamin, I think this was done absolutely brilliantly! Perfect balance of funny and clever. However, I do wish you'd had more of a chorus. Even if you just changed the beat behind one of the verses. The verses were excellent; though as a whole song, the lack of a hook was obvious. Overall, I really enjoyed listening to it. You're an excellent writer.
Jon Eric - The Dance **
I really liked the male vocal in this. I feel the attitude, tone, and rhythm was pretty spot on. However, the piano at the beginning was pretty cool, but I don't feel it was technically a rap track. You could have broken it up and used the keyboard to carry the rhythm rather than a drum track. I personally like the piano, but I don't think it's a comfortable fit for your rap. The lyrics were very funny, but I'm not sure the chorus was as informative as it needed to be. I wish you'd have written in a little more specifics as to her intentions during her vocal. I do also like the male clarification towards the end of the song. It elaborates more on the extent of this girl's obsession with him (? I don't even really know what her intentions were). In any case, the rhythm was solid, the verses were very funny, but the chorus didn't quite round out the song the way I was hoping.
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance **
I don't know how often I can stress the phrase "A little goes a long way." It's definitely a line to keep in mind when you write a song like this. You, as an artist, are responsible for igniting an emotion in your listeners. Now, I know there's a lot of debate about which emotions to focus on for any given genera, but when you draft a composition that's written so specifically, the majority of your listeners tend to feel intimidated, even stupid. And they stop listening. You definitely want to be unique, but you also want to make sure your listener can keep up. So, as educated as you are, you want to remember your audience: are they as knowledgeable? Will they understand the "message" of my track, and feel good because of it? You don't want to lose the connection with your listener. And too many proper nouns is a common mistake. It makes the lyric heavy and flat. However, I sincerely liked the melody of your chorus. It was bright and catchy. And I really enjoyed the perspective of it and how you turned dancing into a math problem. As a listener who can't dance, I thought this was really fun.
Jutze - My Friend Kay *
I can really appreciate the leap of faith here. Not only are you writing in a tricky category, you're writing about a tricky topic.
There are so many definitions and perspectives of what rap really is and what it should be. My focus as a judge is the strength of the lyrics in particular. This song still reads like a first draft. I definitely commend the brave decision to write about this sexual woman. Your intention of humor and descriptive lines were nicely placed. Now, lyrical content like this is either a big YES for a listener, or a big, flat NO. The audience will either find it funny, or stupid. There's not really much room for someone to settle in the middle. It takes a lot of guts to pair this lyrical boldness with the rough and tumbled audio texture that is rap. There's not really a hook, so a listener's head doesn't really know how to feel about this girl Kay. I personally like your way of describing this girl as a sort of sloppy goof. But then she's not? She's just a dumpee? Well that's not nearly as fun. I sincerely wish you would have committed just a little more and pushed yourself to really stick with that negative image. If you're going to write one of these bold songs, you really have to give it all or give it up. You start the song with how much this girl is a dirty mess, then you try to be polite and say it's just because she's been dumped? As a woman, I appreciate this effort to be polite, but you're capable of a really good story here. If she starts out a mess, have the chorus just go over the top.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days *
I see a lot of potential in this piece. I'm a big fan of the sprinkle of proper nouns you've used as adjectives; though be careful doing this--you don't want to make too many specific references unless the majority of them are entirely and completely well-known. You don't want your audience to feel stupid for not getting the joke. They tend to get irritated when that happens. So use the REALLY unique references REALLY sparingly. A little goes a long way. There's a reasonable level of humor in the lyric. You've got a good theme. However, breakups can be hard to write about. It's a big challenge to keep your lyrics from landing too close to cliche. I feel that, even tough your adjective play with proper nouns is really clever, there's not really much of an emotional point to the song. You're so specific in your writing, there's no excuse not to be specific in your story. In fact, I actually feel that it's more important. If you're going to write well, your topic doesn't necessarily have to be interesting or unique--but your perspective on it absolutely has to be. Don't be afraid to go the distance. For example: She broke up with this guy? Okay. Well maybe now this guy hasn't slept in three months because he can't stop thinking about her. Or maybe he sleeps in the backseat of her car at night just so he can smell her? Or what if he can't help himself from urinating on her back door? Just a few examples of what I mean by "go the distance." Take it to a level no one would expect. You've already got a fantastic setup for it. If you're writing is specific, really set a solid point and throw everything in that direction. A good thing to remember is, "Everything has been said a hundred million times. It's how you say it that makes it memorable." Stay parallel and don't hold back.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool *
I definitely admire the use of proper nouns expertly woven into this piece as adjectives. You've done it brilliantly. However, the impact of this will only be appreciated by a listener who comprehends all the references. With the internet now making sharing original music so easy, the artist really has to consider his audience now. I don't feel you've done this in this project. You've obviously got such a skill for creative writing, but I'm disappointed in this entry. The specifics become repetitious and confusing because they occur in nearly every line. I would have loved to see your genius ability to incorporate these clever specifics used in a more productive way. It would be much more effective if you alternated: Use your proper nouns heavily in verse one, but be sure the verse that follows is a little more neutral. Like in the kitchen: "A little spice goes a long way." Well, so do proper adjectives. Even though this is a characteristic of rap, the amount of them in your song takes away from the rhythm.
Menage' a Tune - Roman Road Trip *
You've got a good solid beat in the background. I admire how you were able to take that same beat and use the melody of the chorus to give it a different feel. I really enjoyed the vocal fade out at the end, I think it was done really well. However, it doesn't feel like a finished piece. Also, writer's have to be constantly vigilant of cliches. Some are alright if used the proper way. For example, I feel that your chorus was an acceptable use of a cliche, just don't extend it too long. However the verses were overwhelmed with cliches. I don't really feel that the tone of this song can be quite considered a rap. It's hard to get a sense of you as a writer with such a minimal composition.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises *****
Bravo! Firstly, GREAT title. Secondly, what a solid message! I bow to you, Dr. Lindyke. This might be my favorite. :) You've got a great vocal tone for the rapping in particular, great rhythm, a nice beat, wonderful verbal flow, and the lyrics are superb. It has a real honest feel to it, very sincere. Definitely pulls the listener in to the message, even if they've got different opinions. They'll still listen. Wonderfully done! I feel that this entry most thoroughly represents this challenge. Highest of high marks from me for whatever that's worth. :)
Pat And Gweebol - TikiTock (Top Tad) *****
I love this entry both as a listener, and as a writer. I absolutely love the way you've structured the rhythm of your lyric with the rhythm of your track. It's a very modern combination that you've executed perfectly. Great hook, and great melody for it. You've got a strong story, clearly stating the conflict as a specific individual. I love that you even took it as far as naming the guy. The perfect placement of the female verses and perspective makes the listener feel as if they're a friend of these people. They feel connected, might even be tempted to take sides. I love this song as a writer too, as I can admire that you've so clearly and smoothly defined three specific personalities, within two perspectives, within one story. It's completely brilliant. Excellent track. Top marks from me.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love ****
I have a very strong opinion of the proper use and proper amount of specific nouns used as descriptions. I feel that oftentimes it's either done really good or really bad. You, sir, have done it wonderfully. You've got a good majority being bold, common nouns used for a specific description, rather than relying on a proper noun to do the describing for you. Yet you've sprinkled even brand names into your lyric, being very descriptive. Extreme contrast. But it's done RIGHT. You've adding just the right amount, allowing your listener to feel as if he's "in on the loop" of the office romance lingo. This makes the listener emotionally interested in hearing the rest of your song. I also love the chorus. At first it felt a little late, but after hearing how it well it rounded out the track, I take it back. :) Expertly done. I also enjoyed the horns on this track, however the horns were very bluesy. I would have liked to hear them in smaller, designated sections. It rather takes away from your rap intention.
Charlie McCarron - In The Snow ****
What good writers here on SpinTown! I really enjoyed your song. I particularly like the contrast of the slow and moody idea of a spooky concept paired with the "harder" idea of a rap. I believe you combined these aspects perfectly. The lyrics were descriptive and suspenseful, and the beautiful singing of the chorus adds to the supernatural feel. I do wish you would have elaborated a little more as to the source of this suspenseful conflict. I think if you'd been a little more particular in defining your antagonist of the lyric, it would have had a little more emotional substance. I know even though a topic like this isn't an emotional one, you want the listener to become a part of your song. Rap in particular is known for invoking strong emotion. Also the background vocals and the melody is metaphorically rather emotional, so I feel a definite reason for this spookiness would have really brought the song full circle. However, overall, nicely done.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance ****
You, Ross Durand, are a genius. In my opinion, you've successfully woven multiple genres into a memorable creation. And your topic is about something your entire audience can understand: a summer love. You've got just enough nostalgia for the song to be relatable. I really commend your restraint on the metaphors; doing this has intensified the tone of memory without distracting from it. My favorite aspect of your piece was your cleverly placed alliteration. The way you've structured it, there's just the right amount of humor in exactly the right places. I think it also adds a rough, or "gravel" kind of feel to the lyric which really compliments the whole feeling of camp. Even though some might not consider this a "rap" at first listen, I really feel like it's a solid entry.
Edric Haleen - Sarah ***
As incredibly cool as this song was in it's structure, the tone for me was just a bit off. I loved how it began, the first two verses were enough. I wished screw it would have been a little more nervous, maybe an octave higher, or tight and tense rather than resigned. The dangling verse after "Screw It" is awkward. It repeats what is implied in the previous section, so you don't really need it. Trust your listener to be intelligent. They will infer in the first two verses what you're stating in that third one. You don't need it. The first little rap was maybe a bit longer than it needed to be since it was a first attempt, but the content is unique so it works. The second rap section (after "try that again") was the weakest link. Make it stronger, a little more confident than the first. It's tricky because it has to be better than the first, but not as good as the third. So it needs to be stronger, but the "mess up" needs to be funnier than your awkward stumbling in the first section. The third rap is great, I just wish it could have either been shortened, or the music changed to enhance it a lot more. Halfway through, it becomes stale, like we're waiting for something to happen. Go ahead and get to the climax of the song, have the guy go as far as confessing he's dreamed of having her babies, or painted pictures of their wedding day, or something really random and weird. You've started the song at a great point, the guy is timid and nervous, he doesn't know what to say and it's funny. At the end of the song when your character becomes different (more confident and honest) you should still have a little more humor. Your "small" character (at the beginning) has "small" humor (i.e. in what's implied and how he stutters), so your "big" character, or contrast character, should have "bigger" humor. And the ending is brilliant but it'll be even more punctuated if he postpones the crazy speech (or the "big" humor) until tomorrow. Have him go all in, he doesn't really say this to her anyway, right? No reason to have boundaries.
Ethan Ivey - Entry 3 (Shadow) ***
I liked the rhythm of the track very much. It's very easy to get into. The lyrics were superb. Great storytelling abilities and you deliver the lyric with a noticeable build in enthusiasm. I REALLY love this detail. In particular, I like the additions of the foul language to impact the panic of the situation. Very genius. As AWESOME as the ending was, it wasn't punctuated quite the way it could have been. Right now, the rhythm of your lyric doesn't change. And that's okay because you're building tension. I feel that's a suitable time to break the rules. However, the song doesn't actually reach a climax in the story. You need a good, strong, simple hook to break up the monotony of the rhythm. Breaking it up with a good hook will keep the rhythm catchy to the listener and also give you an opportunity to really set up a climax with a lyrical twist. Something ironic at the very end before it cuts out. Make the listener sad it ended, but satisfied with it as a whole.
The Boffo Yux Dudes - It's All About the Benjamins (Shadow) ***
Really nice job. I really liked the play on Benjamin, I think this was done absolutely brilliantly! Perfect balance of funny and clever. However, I do wish you'd had more of a chorus. Even if you just changed the beat behind one of the verses. The verses were excellent; though as a whole song, the lack of a hook was obvious. Overall, I really enjoyed listening to it. You're an excellent writer.
Jon Eric - The Dance **
I really liked the male vocal in this. I feel the attitude, tone, and rhythm was pretty spot on. However, the piano at the beginning was pretty cool, but I don't feel it was technically a rap track. You could have broken it up and used the keyboard to carry the rhythm rather than a drum track. I personally like the piano, but I don't think it's a comfortable fit for your rap. The lyrics were very funny, but I'm not sure the chorus was as informative as it needed to be. I wish you'd have written in a little more specifics as to her intentions during her vocal. I do also like the male clarification towards the end of the song. It elaborates more on the extent of this girl's obsession with him (? I don't even really know what her intentions were). In any case, the rhythm was solid, the verses were very funny, but the chorus didn't quite round out the song the way I was hoping.
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance **
I don't know how often I can stress the phrase "A little goes a long way." It's definitely a line to keep in mind when you write a song like this. You, as an artist, are responsible for igniting an emotion in your listeners. Now, I know there's a lot of debate about which emotions to focus on for any given genera, but when you draft a composition that's written so specifically, the majority of your listeners tend to feel intimidated, even stupid. And they stop listening. You definitely want to be unique, but you also want to make sure your listener can keep up. So, as educated as you are, you want to remember your audience: are they as knowledgeable? Will they understand the "message" of my track, and feel good because of it? You don't want to lose the connection with your listener. And too many proper nouns is a common mistake. It makes the lyric heavy and flat. However, I sincerely liked the melody of your chorus. It was bright and catchy. And I really enjoyed the perspective of it and how you turned dancing into a math problem. As a listener who can't dance, I thought this was really fun.
Jutze - My Friend Kay *
I can really appreciate the leap of faith here. Not only are you writing in a tricky category, you're writing about a tricky topic.
There are so many definitions and perspectives of what rap really is and what it should be. My focus as a judge is the strength of the lyrics in particular. This song still reads like a first draft. I definitely commend the brave decision to write about this sexual woman. Your intention of humor and descriptive lines were nicely placed. Now, lyrical content like this is either a big YES for a listener, or a big, flat NO. The audience will either find it funny, or stupid. There's not really much room for someone to settle in the middle. It takes a lot of guts to pair this lyrical boldness with the rough and tumbled audio texture that is rap. There's not really a hook, so a listener's head doesn't really know how to feel about this girl Kay. I personally like your way of describing this girl as a sort of sloppy goof. But then she's not? She's just a dumpee? Well that's not nearly as fun. I sincerely wish you would have committed just a little more and pushed yourself to really stick with that negative image. If you're going to write one of these bold songs, you really have to give it all or give it up. You start the song with how much this girl is a dirty mess, then you try to be polite and say it's just because she's been dumped? As a woman, I appreciate this effort to be polite, but you're capable of a really good story here. If she starts out a mess, have the chorus just go over the top.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days *
I see a lot of potential in this piece. I'm a big fan of the sprinkle of proper nouns you've used as adjectives; though be careful doing this--you don't want to make too many specific references unless the majority of them are entirely and completely well-known. You don't want your audience to feel stupid for not getting the joke. They tend to get irritated when that happens. So use the REALLY unique references REALLY sparingly. A little goes a long way. There's a reasonable level of humor in the lyric. You've got a good theme. However, breakups can be hard to write about. It's a big challenge to keep your lyrics from landing too close to cliche. I feel that, even tough your adjective play with proper nouns is really clever, there's not really much of an emotional point to the song. You're so specific in your writing, there's no excuse not to be specific in your story. In fact, I actually feel that it's more important. If you're going to write well, your topic doesn't necessarily have to be interesting or unique--but your perspective on it absolutely has to be. Don't be afraid to go the distance. For example: She broke up with this guy? Okay. Well maybe now this guy hasn't slept in three months because he can't stop thinking about her. Or maybe he sleeps in the backseat of her car at night just so he can smell her? Or what if he can't help himself from urinating on her back door? Just a few examples of what I mean by "go the distance." Take it to a level no one would expect. You've already got a fantastic setup for it. If you're writing is specific, really set a solid point and throw everything in that direction. A good thing to remember is, "Everything has been said a hundred million times. It's how you say it that makes it memorable." Stay parallel and don't hold back.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool *
I definitely admire the use of proper nouns expertly woven into this piece as adjectives. You've done it brilliantly. However, the impact of this will only be appreciated by a listener who comprehends all the references. With the internet now making sharing original music so easy, the artist really has to consider his audience now. I don't feel you've done this in this project. You've obviously got such a skill for creative writing, but I'm disappointed in this entry. The specifics become repetitious and confusing because they occur in nearly every line. I would have loved to see your genius ability to incorporate these clever specifics used in a more productive way. It would be much more effective if you alternated: Use your proper nouns heavily in verse one, but be sure the verse that follows is a little more neutral. Like in the kitchen: "A little spice goes a long way." Well, so do proper adjectives. Even though this is a characteristic of rap, the amount of them in your song takes away from the rhythm.
Menage' a Tune - Roman Road Trip *
You've got a good solid beat in the background. I admire how you were able to take that same beat and use the melody of the chorus to give it a different feel. I really enjoyed the vocal fade out at the end, I think it was done really well. However, it doesn't feel like a finished piece. Also, writer's have to be constantly vigilant of cliches. Some are alright if used the proper way. For example, I feel that your chorus was an acceptable use of a cliche, just don't extend it too long. However the verses were overwhelmed with cliches. I don't really feel that the tone of this song can be quite considered a rap. It's hard to get a sense of you as a writer with such a minimal composition.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Ben Davila
Jutze – My Friend Kay
Like the banjo
Like the intelligent design break down
Cool voice
Edric Haleen – Sara
Funny intro
Love the insecure rapping
I like how this tells a story
I like how he makes a better introduction rap each time.
Sad ending but cute
I feel like I was really rooting for Sam by the end
You should write a part 2 Sam’s big date
I loved this
The Offhand Band – Not Cool
Very creative approach to the challenge
Like the verse about the Beatles
Cool chorus
I’m impressed by how long this is
Ross Durand – Camp Romance
Cool guitar loop
Like the drum loop
Chorus is brilliant
I like that you brought your story full circle
I really enjoyed this
Wait What – Six Years Seventeen Days
Slow jam nice
Like the Spanish bit
Great always something there to remind me reference. Well done
Gets dark at the end
Love the hair doll and the bunny stew
Pat And Gweebol – Tick Tock (Top Tad)
Nice back and forth
The chorus is great
Top Tad made me laugh for a long time I had to stop the song.
Matt And Donna – Anatomy Dance
Like the intro
Cool vocal effect on the chorus
Wow these verses are amazing!
I like all the talking breaks
Well produced
I loved this
Caleb Hines – Two Musicains
Cool wind effect
Like the synth tones
Interesting approach to the challenge
Cool voice
Well done
Charlie McCarron – Trail In The Snow
Like the voices
Cool vocal delivery
Interesting approach
Steve Durand – A Place For Love
Cool bass line
Like the horns
Backside… nice
Very funny
Musak line very good
Dr. Lindyke – Politics And Promises
Nice piano
Strong lyrics
Like the verse about religion
Very topical
Brave approach
Jon Eric – The Dance
Cool rap style
Fast vocal delivery impressive
Like the story
Interesting twist at the end
Ethan Ivey – Entry 3 (shadow)
Cool drum beat
This is awesome
Cool end
Menage’a a Tune – Roman Road Rap (shadow)
Jesus rap
Interesting vocals on the chorus
Good job
The Boffo Yux Dudes – It’s All About the Benjamins (shadow)
Like the hype man intro
Friends with benies… nice
As a Ben I appreciate this
Like the banjo
Like the intelligent design break down
Cool voice
Edric Haleen – Sara
Funny intro
Love the insecure rapping
I like how this tells a story
I like how he makes a better introduction rap each time.
Sad ending but cute
I feel like I was really rooting for Sam by the end
You should write a part 2 Sam’s big date
I loved this
The Offhand Band – Not Cool
Very creative approach to the challenge
Like the verse about the Beatles
Cool chorus
I’m impressed by how long this is
Ross Durand – Camp Romance
Cool guitar loop
Like the drum loop
Chorus is brilliant
I like that you brought your story full circle
I really enjoyed this
Wait What – Six Years Seventeen Days
Slow jam nice
Like the Spanish bit
Great always something there to remind me reference. Well done
Gets dark at the end
Love the hair doll and the bunny stew
Pat And Gweebol – Tick Tock (Top Tad)
Nice back and forth
The chorus is great
Top Tad made me laugh for a long time I had to stop the song.
Matt And Donna – Anatomy Dance
Like the intro
Cool vocal effect on the chorus
Wow these verses are amazing!
I like all the talking breaks
Well produced
I loved this
Caleb Hines – Two Musicains
Cool wind effect
Like the synth tones
Interesting approach to the challenge
Cool voice
Well done
Charlie McCarron – Trail In The Snow
Like the voices
Cool vocal delivery
Interesting approach
Steve Durand – A Place For Love
Cool bass line
Like the horns
Backside… nice
Very funny
Musak line very good
Dr. Lindyke – Politics And Promises
Nice piano
Strong lyrics
Like the verse about religion
Very topical
Brave approach
Jon Eric – The Dance
Cool rap style
Fast vocal delivery impressive
Like the story
Interesting twist at the end
Ethan Ivey – Entry 3 (shadow)
Cool drum beat
This is awesome
Cool end
Menage’a a Tune – Roman Road Rap (shadow)
Jesus rap
Interesting vocals on the chorus
Good job
The Boffo Yux Dudes – It’s All About the Benjamins (shadow)
Like the hype man intro
Friends with benies… nice
As a Ben I appreciate this
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: David Santucci
I used to absolutely hate rap. Not all rap, but in general, I hated most of it most of the time. Having a teenage son, I have now grown to appreciate some of it. But I still hate the fact that so many multi-millionaires are made just for being self-absorbed arrogant thugs who can rhyme their words. And I still hate a lot of rap, and dislike the majority of it. I find most of it annoying more than anything. The sound of it just tends to rub me the wrong way.
I’m a music guy. Always have been. Even when listening to non-rap music, I tend to pay much more attention to the music than the words. To this day you could recite (not sing, but recite) a lyric from some of my favorite songs ever and I might not even recognize what song it came from. I’m unusual that way… I listen to the music and don’t pay much attention to what the lyrics are saying most of the time. Probably the thing I dislike most about rap is that a lot of it is sadly deficient in the music department. And a lot of the catchy songs with any decent music in them STOLE the music! So I just don’t have much respect for the artists who can’t even create their own music and have to sample other people’s work to create a catchy song. Music aside though, the anger and arrogance in rap is a real turn off for me. So much rap out there is just this vile, vulgar vibe being spewed.
Now, having said all that, I have to say I was really impressed with all of these entries. I gave points first and foremost for what sounded good to me. The sound, and the way it grabs me, is of prime importance to me, in this and every round. I tried to be as objective as possible though and gave importance to the quality of the rapping. (I don’t hate all rap, and I can enjoy and appreciate some of it if the sound of it doesn’t completely turn me off.) I tried to keep in mind that the challenge this round was to write a rap, so I tried to focus on the rapping at least as much as the overall musicality of the songs.
In all, I actually enjoyed all of these songs very much. I think I can safely say I like rap a little more now than I did before this contest.
Jutze – My Friend Kay
Inventive rhymes, very odd flavor for a rap with the use of the banjo. Good humor. Unconventional meters used here and there were kind of an acquired taste for me. Wasn’t sure I liked them the first time through but the second time decided I did like them. I didn’t like the use of the audio faltering/stuttering effect in the first chorus; I assume that was deliberate and done for effect, but I didn’t like that. The song was catchy. One thing to be careful of—a couple times you didn’t quite finish the word at the end of a phrase and it was kind of “clipped” in your delivery. Overall, I liked this song.
Edric Haleen – Sarah
Intro much too long. After the second time you sang “Sarah” the rap should’ve kicked in. When that didn’t happen, then I thought for sure it was going to kick in after “screw it.” Then it still didn’t. I generally don’t listen to hip hop, but if I did—you would’ve lost me long before the rap portion ever started. Much too much music and not enough rap for a rap song.
When the rap finally did kick in, I appreciate the humor of the awkwardness and the multiple attempts to say and be cool. But again, by the time you got to the part where you were “nailing it,” if I was a hip hop listener you would’ve lost me long ago in the first two rap portions because they didn’t have any conviction, no balls. I know that was the point, but from a listening standpoint that makes for substandard rap.
As a comedy piece, this was great. Good music during the musical portions. The lyrics and presentation was funny. As a rap though, it was pretty weak for all the reasons already noted. It’s a real shame your entry last round occurred one round too early; that would’ve dominated this round in terms of being a rock solid rap song.
The Offhand Band – Not Cool
Really inventive lyrics and great flow! Good humor too. Like many of the competitors in this contest, the sound of your voice doesn’t scream “rap,” but you overcame this limitation very nicely because your skill, talent, and creativity with your rhymes and lyrics really took me on a journey. I was only thinking “this guy doesn’t have a rapper’s voice” for a couple lines and then the rest of the time I was thinking, “Wow, this guy can rap!” Great job!! I liked the chorus too. I didn’t notice the length of it until after it was over, and I was surprised because I didn’t feel like it was too long. Kept me very entertained.
Ross Durand – Camp Romance
I enjoyed this very much because of the musicality of it. And it conjured up fond memories for me. Funny, and good flow. Really creative, especially the use of campfire songs and other camp clichés. I wasn’t too keen on the sound of the lead vocal at first (having it stacked in unison and/or I couldn’t tell if that was a lot of reverb or what), but it grew on me by the end of the song. Good balance in the amount of rapping and the amount of music. For me, rap is like a lobster with a hard shell that you can’t eat. Your song has helped me crack the shell and get past it to the good soft tasty meat inside. Good job!
Wait What – Six Years Seventeen Days
Fun tune. Clever use of the little elements like the flipping page scratching sound effect, reference to the Naked Eyes song, the car horn, bunny boiling stalker reference, etc. During some of the choruses the female vocal seemed off key on several notes here and there and this was really distracting for me. Like some of the other entries I think maybe more focus could’ve been on the rap itself and a little less on all the music going on; this would’ve made it stronger in my opinion. Overall though I found it enjoyable.
Pat and Gweebol – Ticki Tock (Top Tad)
True hip hoppy feel right from the beginning, that stayed all the way through. Great attitude in the rapping. Good flow, great rhythm. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a yuppie white girl voice that kicked so much ass at rapping. Great caricature by the female vocalist, great performance by both. Very high marks! This had everything. Humor, attitude, an authentic rap “feel” to it, and great execution. You guys made this sound easy!
Matt And Donna – Anatomy Dance
This almost seemed like a song designed to help teach medical students anatomy but with little other point to it. From a musical standpoint I found it very listenable, but halfway through I realized that all the medical terminology was just going in one ear and out the other and this wasn’t really taking me on a journey because it was, for lack of a better explanation, a bunch of blabbering that went above my head. I usually enjoy cerebral lyrics but I found that I was completely tuning out what you were saying. I was still boppin’ along to it, however, so it wasn’t terrible. Good flow and skillful rapping, but I think this concept just didn’t work in the actual execution of it. I enjoyed the music of it, and it was well put together, but it relied on so much medical/anatomical terminology that I ended up not following along with the rapping.
Caleb Hines – Two Musicians
I enjoyed this very much and it’s a shame that you didn’t write or even perform any of the rap. Because this challenge was for you to write a rap. From a creative standpoint I’m impressed and I love what you did with this. For purposes of this competition though, I feel you avoided the whole point of the challenge. The challenge didn’t say “create a rap” or “produce a rap,” it said “WRITE a rap.” The very first word of it was “Write.” Even if you didn’t perform the lyrics yourself, you were at least supposed to write them yourself. You didn’t do either… I still love what you did with this and it makes me sad to have to score you basically a zero.
Charlie McCarron – Trail In The Snow
Love the haunting intro. I liked the chill feel of this a lot. Really unconventional feel for a rap. I liked the slightly odd beat and all of the instrumentation. Your voice isn’t typical for rap, but you took lemons and made great lemonade by making the whole song work together with the subdued quality of your voice. Maybe relied a little too heavily on music and not enough focus on the actual rapping, but the whole thing turned out so listenable that this is a pretty minor criticism and that’s the only one I can think of. I liked this a lot.
Steve Durand – A Place For Love
Funky, groovy, smooth, and jammin’, this absolutely kicked ass. Great use of the horns! Really creative and humorous lyrics. Had me chuckling at multiple points from the great visuals. You really took me on a complete journey with a story that had me hooked from beginning to end. My only criticism would be that you could’ve used just a touch more soul in the execution of a couple of key lyrics—you could’ve nuanced the timing and emphasis in the pronunciation of “cuBICLE” and “maintenANCE” so the rhymes there were more flawless. This is minor, however; the difference between an excellent rap and a practically perfect one. I loved the fact that it sounded like you had absolutely zero use of any electronic instruments. All natural, all organic, real instruments. Good old school funk!! Loved it!!!!
Dr. Lindyke – Politics And Promises
Knowing the style of your previous entries, I have to say you surprised the heck out of me with this! Great attitude & conviction in your rap, good rhythm, all around very good execution. Very creative lyrics with an intelligent but easy to follow message about government abuse of power and hypocrisy. On a couple of notes the female vocal was a little off key but this didn’t occur so much that it was a major problem for me. Very impressed with your versatility… I wasn’t expecting this at all! No extra points for exceeding my expectations though; this was a solid entry with good musicality but anchored in a well executed rap.
Jon Eric – The Dance
Good groove. Grabbed me right away. Good fast flow with the rapping, very fluid. At first I wasn’t sure I liked the over-the-top silly expression in your voice, but it grew on me very quickly. Musically I liked this a lot. I feel like this would’ve been better if the female vocal was just one single track, or perhaps harmonized. Just not in unison. Whenever you stack a unison vocal like this, any slight variations between the two really stick out and, for me anyway, it kind of detracts from the quality of what I’m hearing. It distracts me. It’s fine with rapping (assuming your rhythms are precise, with yours are) because you’re not producing notes per se, but with singing it magnifies any inconsistencies between the two if they’re note exactly on key together at the same moment, and this can make these moments sound like off-key mistakes. Overall I liked this though. I think your rapping was excellent.
I’m a music guy. Always have been. Even when listening to non-rap music, I tend to pay much more attention to the music than the words. To this day you could recite (not sing, but recite) a lyric from some of my favorite songs ever and I might not even recognize what song it came from. I’m unusual that way… I listen to the music and don’t pay much attention to what the lyrics are saying most of the time. Probably the thing I dislike most about rap is that a lot of it is sadly deficient in the music department. And a lot of the catchy songs with any decent music in them STOLE the music! So I just don’t have much respect for the artists who can’t even create their own music and have to sample other people’s work to create a catchy song. Music aside though, the anger and arrogance in rap is a real turn off for me. So much rap out there is just this vile, vulgar vibe being spewed.
Now, having said all that, I have to say I was really impressed with all of these entries. I gave points first and foremost for what sounded good to me. The sound, and the way it grabs me, is of prime importance to me, in this and every round. I tried to be as objective as possible though and gave importance to the quality of the rapping. (I don’t hate all rap, and I can enjoy and appreciate some of it if the sound of it doesn’t completely turn me off.) I tried to keep in mind that the challenge this round was to write a rap, so I tried to focus on the rapping at least as much as the overall musicality of the songs.
In all, I actually enjoyed all of these songs very much. I think I can safely say I like rap a little more now than I did before this contest.
Jutze – My Friend Kay
Inventive rhymes, very odd flavor for a rap with the use of the banjo. Good humor. Unconventional meters used here and there were kind of an acquired taste for me. Wasn’t sure I liked them the first time through but the second time decided I did like them. I didn’t like the use of the audio faltering/stuttering effect in the first chorus; I assume that was deliberate and done for effect, but I didn’t like that. The song was catchy. One thing to be careful of—a couple times you didn’t quite finish the word at the end of a phrase and it was kind of “clipped” in your delivery. Overall, I liked this song.
Edric Haleen – Sarah
Intro much too long. After the second time you sang “Sarah” the rap should’ve kicked in. When that didn’t happen, then I thought for sure it was going to kick in after “screw it.” Then it still didn’t. I generally don’t listen to hip hop, but if I did—you would’ve lost me long before the rap portion ever started. Much too much music and not enough rap for a rap song.
When the rap finally did kick in, I appreciate the humor of the awkwardness and the multiple attempts to say and be cool. But again, by the time you got to the part where you were “nailing it,” if I was a hip hop listener you would’ve lost me long ago in the first two rap portions because they didn’t have any conviction, no balls. I know that was the point, but from a listening standpoint that makes for substandard rap.
As a comedy piece, this was great. Good music during the musical portions. The lyrics and presentation was funny. As a rap though, it was pretty weak for all the reasons already noted. It’s a real shame your entry last round occurred one round too early; that would’ve dominated this round in terms of being a rock solid rap song.
The Offhand Band – Not Cool
Really inventive lyrics and great flow! Good humor too. Like many of the competitors in this contest, the sound of your voice doesn’t scream “rap,” but you overcame this limitation very nicely because your skill, talent, and creativity with your rhymes and lyrics really took me on a journey. I was only thinking “this guy doesn’t have a rapper’s voice” for a couple lines and then the rest of the time I was thinking, “Wow, this guy can rap!” Great job!! I liked the chorus too. I didn’t notice the length of it until after it was over, and I was surprised because I didn’t feel like it was too long. Kept me very entertained.
Ross Durand – Camp Romance
I enjoyed this very much because of the musicality of it. And it conjured up fond memories for me. Funny, and good flow. Really creative, especially the use of campfire songs and other camp clichés. I wasn’t too keen on the sound of the lead vocal at first (having it stacked in unison and/or I couldn’t tell if that was a lot of reverb or what), but it grew on me by the end of the song. Good balance in the amount of rapping and the amount of music. For me, rap is like a lobster with a hard shell that you can’t eat. Your song has helped me crack the shell and get past it to the good soft tasty meat inside. Good job!
Wait What – Six Years Seventeen Days
Fun tune. Clever use of the little elements like the flipping page scratching sound effect, reference to the Naked Eyes song, the car horn, bunny boiling stalker reference, etc. During some of the choruses the female vocal seemed off key on several notes here and there and this was really distracting for me. Like some of the other entries I think maybe more focus could’ve been on the rap itself and a little less on all the music going on; this would’ve made it stronger in my opinion. Overall though I found it enjoyable.
Pat and Gweebol – Ticki Tock (Top Tad)
True hip hoppy feel right from the beginning, that stayed all the way through. Great attitude in the rapping. Good flow, great rhythm. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a yuppie white girl voice that kicked so much ass at rapping. Great caricature by the female vocalist, great performance by both. Very high marks! This had everything. Humor, attitude, an authentic rap “feel” to it, and great execution. You guys made this sound easy!
Matt And Donna – Anatomy Dance
This almost seemed like a song designed to help teach medical students anatomy but with little other point to it. From a musical standpoint I found it very listenable, but halfway through I realized that all the medical terminology was just going in one ear and out the other and this wasn’t really taking me on a journey because it was, for lack of a better explanation, a bunch of blabbering that went above my head. I usually enjoy cerebral lyrics but I found that I was completely tuning out what you were saying. I was still boppin’ along to it, however, so it wasn’t terrible. Good flow and skillful rapping, but I think this concept just didn’t work in the actual execution of it. I enjoyed the music of it, and it was well put together, but it relied on so much medical/anatomical terminology that I ended up not following along with the rapping.
Caleb Hines – Two Musicians
I enjoyed this very much and it’s a shame that you didn’t write or even perform any of the rap. Because this challenge was for you to write a rap. From a creative standpoint I’m impressed and I love what you did with this. For purposes of this competition though, I feel you avoided the whole point of the challenge. The challenge didn’t say “create a rap” or “produce a rap,” it said “WRITE a rap.” The very first word of it was “Write.” Even if you didn’t perform the lyrics yourself, you were at least supposed to write them yourself. You didn’t do either… I still love what you did with this and it makes me sad to have to score you basically a zero.
Charlie McCarron – Trail In The Snow
Love the haunting intro. I liked the chill feel of this a lot. Really unconventional feel for a rap. I liked the slightly odd beat and all of the instrumentation. Your voice isn’t typical for rap, but you took lemons and made great lemonade by making the whole song work together with the subdued quality of your voice. Maybe relied a little too heavily on music and not enough focus on the actual rapping, but the whole thing turned out so listenable that this is a pretty minor criticism and that’s the only one I can think of. I liked this a lot.
Steve Durand – A Place For Love
Funky, groovy, smooth, and jammin’, this absolutely kicked ass. Great use of the horns! Really creative and humorous lyrics. Had me chuckling at multiple points from the great visuals. You really took me on a complete journey with a story that had me hooked from beginning to end. My only criticism would be that you could’ve used just a touch more soul in the execution of a couple of key lyrics—you could’ve nuanced the timing and emphasis in the pronunciation of “cuBICLE” and “maintenANCE” so the rhymes there were more flawless. This is minor, however; the difference between an excellent rap and a practically perfect one. I loved the fact that it sounded like you had absolutely zero use of any electronic instruments. All natural, all organic, real instruments. Good old school funk!! Loved it!!!!
Dr. Lindyke – Politics And Promises
Knowing the style of your previous entries, I have to say you surprised the heck out of me with this! Great attitude & conviction in your rap, good rhythm, all around very good execution. Very creative lyrics with an intelligent but easy to follow message about government abuse of power and hypocrisy. On a couple of notes the female vocal was a little off key but this didn’t occur so much that it was a major problem for me. Very impressed with your versatility… I wasn’t expecting this at all! No extra points for exceeding my expectations though; this was a solid entry with good musicality but anchored in a well executed rap.
Jon Eric – The Dance
Good groove. Grabbed me right away. Good fast flow with the rapping, very fluid. At first I wasn’t sure I liked the over-the-top silly expression in your voice, but it grew on me very quickly. Musically I liked this a lot. I feel like this would’ve been better if the female vocal was just one single track, or perhaps harmonized. Just not in unison. Whenever you stack a unison vocal like this, any slight variations between the two really stick out and, for me anyway, it kind of detracts from the quality of what I’m hearing. It distracts me. It’s fine with rapping (assuming your rhythms are precise, with yours are) because you’re not producing notes per se, but with singing it magnifies any inconsistencies between the two if they’re note exactly on key together at the same moment, and this can make these moments sound like off-key mistakes. Overall I liked this though. I think your rapping was excellent.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Mike Lombardo
This round's reviews are once again brought to you from the tour van, this time between Austin and Dallas.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
Rather interesting and offbeat subject for a rap. The banjo loop was funny, but I'm not sure if that's the reaction that you want because it doesn't fit with anything else. A commen method of rap production is to use 2 vocal tracks, overdubbing every other line so you have room to breathe in between. You might want to give this a shot as sometimes you're struggling to get the lyrics in. The additional section at the end adds nothing and is clearly there to make the time requirement. I'm not sure about the odd measure lengths in the chorus section - odd time is generally a no-no in rap and I don't think it adds anything here other than some confusion.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Another interesting approach here. The intentionally off-kilter and awkward beats work well under the 'failed' sections of the rap. The opening non-rap section is just a bit long for my taste, if only by two lines or so. There is a healthy amount of variation in the rhyme rhythm.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
This song is LOONG. The chorus could be trimmed down a bit without losing any impact. There are some very good internal rhymes and rhythmic variation, particulary in the andrew lloyd weber stanza. The bridge is waaaaaaaaay too long. A bridge is generally one or two lines that change the pace and summarize the song. The musical development in the track behind the bridge does keep it from being too tedious, however.
There are a handful of awkward settings but overall it's very good. Despite a need to have some fat trimmed, this is one of the best constructed entries.
Russ Durand - Camp Romance
This is probably the creepiest thing I've ever heard in my life. Technically, it is constructed well... I wish the loop was longer than one bar. I'm not sold on the chorus. I think there are some better options but it doesn't hurt the song. The length is good and the last verse is particularly solid.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Construction-wise, this is solid stuff. Almost all of the pacing and rhymes work well. The ending seems a bit abrupt, but that's minor. My biggest complaint is that it feels too long. There's a lot of good material here, and thinning out some of it might make this song a lot more effective. Right around the last verse I found myself checking the timer, amazed that it was still under 4 minutes. Relatively little new information is added at this point in the song, but it's just elaborating on the situation that the listener already clearly understands. Thinning this down and shortening it up will turn this into a really great number.
Pat And Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
+5 points for use of "ass-clown" in a song.
Not a huge fan of the three-phrase chorus section. 2 or 4 would sound much more natural. "McFly" is mis-stressed pretty badly to the point of being a distraction but for the most part the rhymes are pretty solid and interesting. The female part did a particularly good job of staying in time but also sounding somewhat like normal speech patterns, which is a nice effect for the particular story element of this song.
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
I really like the 2 major chord at the end of the chorus. This has a Justin Timberlake feel to it, especially with the doubled vocals and the great harmonies. This is a great idea. The verses look much more meaty on paper than they are in performance because they go so fast. For greater effect I'd recommend considering combining some or all of the verses together to make one big long cluster of anatomical terms. I think that would really drive home the 'gimmick' so to speak of this song. All in all this is a pretty solid execution of a pretty solid idea.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
While this is a cool idea, it doesn't really contain original content as far as it was explained to me, and it is definitely not a rap. A beat poem is probably the best way to categorize this. It's a neat concept but it does not fulfill the challenge.
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
Some great imagery in the lyrics here. Stylistically it's quite unique. There's not a ton of variety in the rhyme layout but there's enough to keep it consistently interesting. I don't have a ton of criticism for this piece; I think it pretty appropriately fit the challenge while maintaining the personal style of the artist.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
This is slipping into beat-poem territory because the only rhythmic alignments are the end-rhymes, and it seems like a free-for-all up until the end of the line, but it's still rap enough for me, barely. Because of the mainly end-rhyme structure, there's not a ton of variety or internal rhyme. I would really like to see the entire phrases actually set to the beat rather than just recited, and some more rhyming internally or through-written through the lines would be pretty cool but this is a good start and fulfills the requirement humorously.
Dr Lindyke - Politics And Promises
This is a pretty compelling entry from Dr Lindyke. They've done an excellent job of finding the middle ground between telling your story as straightforward as possible in a naturally worded way, and using word choice to create interesting and engaging rhymes. This rap really pulled me into the message and had some great imagery as well. The only line that caught my ear as a distracting mis-setting was "If it's ok to you then you're on the wrong track." The pause was unexpected and I think that line could have been worked out a little more smoothly.
Recommended listening: "vultures" by five iron frenzy
Jon Eric - The Dance
This is very well done. The line "Share a glance over a couple of color copies" is precisely the type of internal rhyme variation that I was looking to see from entries in this round. I don't have much criticism of this entry other than the narrative's pacing seems a little off kilter and and female vocal doubles on the chorus are a little sloppy. Over all, very good.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
Rather interesting and offbeat subject for a rap. The banjo loop was funny, but I'm not sure if that's the reaction that you want because it doesn't fit with anything else. A commen method of rap production is to use 2 vocal tracks, overdubbing every other line so you have room to breathe in between. You might want to give this a shot as sometimes you're struggling to get the lyrics in. The additional section at the end adds nothing and is clearly there to make the time requirement. I'm not sure about the odd measure lengths in the chorus section - odd time is generally a no-no in rap and I don't think it adds anything here other than some confusion.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Another interesting approach here. The intentionally off-kilter and awkward beats work well under the 'failed' sections of the rap. The opening non-rap section is just a bit long for my taste, if only by two lines or so. There is a healthy amount of variation in the rhyme rhythm.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
This song is LOONG. The chorus could be trimmed down a bit without losing any impact. There are some very good internal rhymes and rhythmic variation, particulary in the andrew lloyd weber stanza. The bridge is waaaaaaaaay too long. A bridge is generally one or two lines that change the pace and summarize the song. The musical development in the track behind the bridge does keep it from being too tedious, however.
There are a handful of awkward settings but overall it's very good. Despite a need to have some fat trimmed, this is one of the best constructed entries.
Russ Durand - Camp Romance
This is probably the creepiest thing I've ever heard in my life. Technically, it is constructed well... I wish the loop was longer than one bar. I'm not sold on the chorus. I think there are some better options but it doesn't hurt the song. The length is good and the last verse is particularly solid.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Construction-wise, this is solid stuff. Almost all of the pacing and rhymes work well. The ending seems a bit abrupt, but that's minor. My biggest complaint is that it feels too long. There's a lot of good material here, and thinning out some of it might make this song a lot more effective. Right around the last verse I found myself checking the timer, amazed that it was still under 4 minutes. Relatively little new information is added at this point in the song, but it's just elaborating on the situation that the listener already clearly understands. Thinning this down and shortening it up will turn this into a really great number.
Pat And Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
+5 points for use of "ass-clown" in a song.
Not a huge fan of the three-phrase chorus section. 2 or 4 would sound much more natural. "McFly" is mis-stressed pretty badly to the point of being a distraction but for the most part the rhymes are pretty solid and interesting. The female part did a particularly good job of staying in time but also sounding somewhat like normal speech patterns, which is a nice effect for the particular story element of this song.
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
I really like the 2 major chord at the end of the chorus. This has a Justin Timberlake feel to it, especially with the doubled vocals and the great harmonies. This is a great idea. The verses look much more meaty on paper than they are in performance because they go so fast. For greater effect I'd recommend considering combining some or all of the verses together to make one big long cluster of anatomical terms. I think that would really drive home the 'gimmick' so to speak of this song. All in all this is a pretty solid execution of a pretty solid idea.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
While this is a cool idea, it doesn't really contain original content as far as it was explained to me, and it is definitely not a rap. A beat poem is probably the best way to categorize this. It's a neat concept but it does not fulfill the challenge.
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
Some great imagery in the lyrics here. Stylistically it's quite unique. There's not a ton of variety in the rhyme layout but there's enough to keep it consistently interesting. I don't have a ton of criticism for this piece; I think it pretty appropriately fit the challenge while maintaining the personal style of the artist.
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
This is slipping into beat-poem territory because the only rhythmic alignments are the end-rhymes, and it seems like a free-for-all up until the end of the line, but it's still rap enough for me, barely. Because of the mainly end-rhyme structure, there's not a ton of variety or internal rhyme. I would really like to see the entire phrases actually set to the beat rather than just recited, and some more rhyming internally or through-written through the lines would be pretty cool but this is a good start and fulfills the requirement humorously.
Dr Lindyke - Politics And Promises
This is a pretty compelling entry from Dr Lindyke. They've done an excellent job of finding the middle ground between telling your story as straightforward as possible in a naturally worded way, and using word choice to create interesting and engaging rhymes. This rap really pulled me into the message and had some great imagery as well. The only line that caught my ear as a distracting mis-setting was "If it's ok to you then you're on the wrong track." The pause was unexpected and I think that line could have been worked out a little more smoothly.
Recommended listening: "vultures" by five iron frenzy
Jon Eric - The Dance
This is very well done. The line "Share a glance over a couple of color copies" is precisely the type of internal rhyme variation that I was looking to see from entries in this round. I don't have much criticism of this entry other than the narrative's pacing seems a little off kilter and and female vocal doubles on the chorus are a little sloppy. Over all, very good.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Mitchell Adam Johnson
This was so difficult. I honestly really enjoyed every single one of these. You guys are brilliant. Even the people at the bottom of this list wrote fantastic songs. It was fun hearing so many catchy melodies on the choruses, too. Some of you make great rappers. Here is my ranking. These are listed in order, beginning with 1st place:
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
Nice - one of the only people who didn't take the comedy route. Great use of melody in your rap - makes it a lot more interesting to listen to. The rhythms are SO COOL. "Glowing green, Shining like the edge of a dream," - those lyrics are incredible. Man, when the chords start changing it fits so perfectly. The female singers make this sound like Evanescence if Evanescence was actually cool. What a fantastic music track - great drum beat. Love the single repeating note on that electric keyboard type thing.
Matt & Donna - Anatomy Dance
This one gets the award for the best chorus. Ridiculously catchy!!! I love the last chord - the V/V - great how it doesn't resolve. Reminds me of "Move This" by Technotronic. Love the deleted bits in your voice at the end of the chorus - sounds professional. Fantastic vocals. I've had this chorus in my head for days. Nice lyrics - Anatomy is a common theme in rap music... although it's usually focused on the "ass" and "tits" of the human body. It's great to hear someone rap about the other body parts, the ones doing all the work, the ones behind the magic. You think an "ass" could "shake" without a little "semimembranosus" action?
Jon Eric - The Dance
Haha this is wicked. Like Old School Rap. Great music track - those chords are really strong. Love how it's not just the same four chords over and over - you treated this like a pop song. I appreciate that. "Share a glance over a couple of color copies" is the best rapping I've heard all round. Super catchy chorus - really - this is fantastic. Love the line "Everybody's got skeleton closets, I had a skeleton key, but I lost it."
Pat & Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
The lyrics are awesome. I love how the intro goes from aggressive speaking into soulful singing. Great trading of raps. Pat has a strong rapping voice. Nice "put it on the pizza" reference! Hahaha. This sounds like The Lonely Island. And Gweebol sounds like Bizzy Bone. Love the speed! Wish her raps would last a bit longer. Really solid rhythms - both of you. This round there are a lot of sloppy rapping rhythms - you guys are right on time. Another chorus I've had in my head for days - even though it's super weird.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Love the tone of your voice - very laid back with a touch of resentment. Cool scratches - surprised I didn't hear more of that this challenge. HAHAHAHA "FM" and F Them!" That is brilliant. Such a creative backing track to a rap. The beat really helps push this song along. The singing parts are filled with gorgeous melodies. Geez, there are so many good hooks in this song. "Mistake" and "Mix Tape" - nice one. Love the Fatal Attraction reference (assuming it is one, unless you're just actually really, really creepy).
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
Love the track. Your chorus is so strong! And it's nothing like the rest of the tune - it somehow seamlessly evolves from James Brown to Boys II Men. Great harmonies. Love the slight vibrato. Great work romance lyrics. "I can't make love with toner on my boner," HAHAHAHAHA! Probably the funniest line I've heard.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
Wicked record needle sounds at the beginning. This is the best Old School Rap this round. Man - that banjo is awesome - reminds me of Beck. I think the bit with the banjo is the coolest music I've heard all round. Nice Stevie Wonder style horn section. Your voice is awesome - it keeps the energy high - nice and gritty. Very cool song. The time signature changes in the chorus keep the song fresh - throw in a measure of 3, then make up for it a bit later by adding a measure of 1.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
Man, the lyrics really kept my attention. Love all the shout outs - you listed like all of my favorite musicians (Beatles, Beach Boys, Carole King, Burt Bacharach, TMBG, Andrew Lloyd Weber, XTC, ELO.... wow). Great job on the rhythms of your rap. Really solid time. The chorus actually kinda reminded me of They Might Be Giants.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Definitely one of the most creative formats for a song I've ever heard. Such a good idea to have you running through things you'd say to Sarah - and changing up the beat and the lyrics. That's not something that you hear very often. I really dig this song. The music part is like McCartney meets Andrew Lloyd Weber. Love all the talking to yourself. The hi-hat is awesome once the beat gets kickin.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
Your voice is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to hear a unique tone rapping. Excellent lyrics. Cool chords backing you up. Catchy girl chorus (there are a lot of those this round). Great to hear someone taking the lyrics seriously.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
That harmonica is perfect. This really sounds summery. Interesting topic for a rap. Never thought I'd hear finger picking guitar and rap together. Beautiful, sweet, innocent, romantic lyrics. Really enjoy this. Makes me wanna watch Wet Hot American Summer.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
This is so cool! Man, it sounds like Dracula spittin' some rhymes. Produced perfectly... The music track is one of the strongest this round. I really love this. Incredibly creative. Bummed that you got DQed - I think this tune is brilliant. Definitely would've made my top five this round.
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
Nice - one of the only people who didn't take the comedy route. Great use of melody in your rap - makes it a lot more interesting to listen to. The rhythms are SO COOL. "Glowing green, Shining like the edge of a dream," - those lyrics are incredible. Man, when the chords start changing it fits so perfectly. The female singers make this sound like Evanescence if Evanescence was actually cool. What a fantastic music track - great drum beat. Love the single repeating note on that electric keyboard type thing.
Matt & Donna - Anatomy Dance
This one gets the award for the best chorus. Ridiculously catchy!!! I love the last chord - the V/V - great how it doesn't resolve. Reminds me of "Move This" by Technotronic. Love the deleted bits in your voice at the end of the chorus - sounds professional. Fantastic vocals. I've had this chorus in my head for days. Nice lyrics - Anatomy is a common theme in rap music... although it's usually focused on the "ass" and "tits" of the human body. It's great to hear someone rap about the other body parts, the ones doing all the work, the ones behind the magic. You think an "ass" could "shake" without a little "semimembranosus" action?
Jon Eric - The Dance
Haha this is wicked. Like Old School Rap. Great music track - those chords are really strong. Love how it's not just the same four chords over and over - you treated this like a pop song. I appreciate that. "Share a glance over a couple of color copies" is the best rapping I've heard all round. Super catchy chorus - really - this is fantastic. Love the line "Everybody's got skeleton closets, I had a skeleton key, but I lost it."
Pat & Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
The lyrics are awesome. I love how the intro goes from aggressive speaking into soulful singing. Great trading of raps. Pat has a strong rapping voice. Nice "put it on the pizza" reference! Hahaha. This sounds like The Lonely Island. And Gweebol sounds like Bizzy Bone. Love the speed! Wish her raps would last a bit longer. Really solid rhythms - both of you. This round there are a lot of sloppy rapping rhythms - you guys are right on time. Another chorus I've had in my head for days - even though it's super weird.
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Love the tone of your voice - very laid back with a touch of resentment. Cool scratches - surprised I didn't hear more of that this challenge. HAHAHAHA "FM" and F Them!" That is brilliant. Such a creative backing track to a rap. The beat really helps push this song along. The singing parts are filled with gorgeous melodies. Geez, there are so many good hooks in this song. "Mistake" and "Mix Tape" - nice one. Love the Fatal Attraction reference (assuming it is one, unless you're just actually really, really creepy).
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
Love the track. Your chorus is so strong! And it's nothing like the rest of the tune - it somehow seamlessly evolves from James Brown to Boys II Men. Great harmonies. Love the slight vibrato. Great work romance lyrics. "I can't make love with toner on my boner," HAHAHAHAHA! Probably the funniest line I've heard.
Jutze - My Friend Kay
Wicked record needle sounds at the beginning. This is the best Old School Rap this round. Man - that banjo is awesome - reminds me of Beck. I think the bit with the banjo is the coolest music I've heard all round. Nice Stevie Wonder style horn section. Your voice is awesome - it keeps the energy high - nice and gritty. Very cool song. The time signature changes in the chorus keep the song fresh - throw in a measure of 3, then make up for it a bit later by adding a measure of 1.
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
Man, the lyrics really kept my attention. Love all the shout outs - you listed like all of my favorite musicians (Beatles, Beach Boys, Carole King, Burt Bacharach, TMBG, Andrew Lloyd Weber, XTC, ELO.... wow). Great job on the rhythms of your rap. Really solid time. The chorus actually kinda reminded me of They Might Be Giants.
Edric Haleen - Sarah
Definitely one of the most creative formats for a song I've ever heard. Such a good idea to have you running through things you'd say to Sarah - and changing up the beat and the lyrics. That's not something that you hear very often. I really dig this song. The music part is like McCartney meets Andrew Lloyd Weber. Love all the talking to yourself. The hi-hat is awesome once the beat gets kickin.
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
Your voice is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to hear a unique tone rapping. Excellent lyrics. Cool chords backing you up. Catchy girl chorus (there are a lot of those this round). Great to hear someone taking the lyrics seriously.
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
That harmonica is perfect. This really sounds summery. Interesting topic for a rap. Never thought I'd hear finger picking guitar and rap together. Beautiful, sweet, innocent, romantic lyrics. Really enjoy this. Makes me wanna watch Wet Hot American Summer.
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
This is so cool! Man, it sounds like Dracula spittin' some rhymes. Produced perfectly... The music track is one of the strongest this round. I really love this. Incredibly creative. Bummed that you got DQed - I think this tune is brilliant. Definitely would've made my top five this round.
SpinTunes #3 Round 3 Review: Glenn Case
Charlie McCarron - Trail In The Snow
You have been consistently great thus far. Excellent hook in the chorus, the lyrics are tremendous, the delivery and performances are great. This sounds like a professional recording in every conceivable respect.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
Brilliant song concept and I started cracking up hysterically when I heard the “Kumbaya” chorus. I would have liked to have heard a little more personality in your rap delivery, but this is an undeniably great track.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 9 out of 10
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
Super fun concept! The verses are expertly crafted, but the delivery could use a little more energy (or personality). I like the chorus hook a lot.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Jutze – My Friend Kay
I did not think I was going to enjoy this, but it is actually quite charming and enjoyable. The banjo sample rocked my world when I heard it. The rhythmic switches in the chorus are great. I could have done without the fake horns at the end.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
This has a tremendous beat and the lyrics are very clever, but the vocal performance is lacking. Bonus points for “I can’t make love with toner on my boner” which made me laugh out loud.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Jon Eric - The Dance
Your participation in the Frontalittle Squad has served you well. The structure of your rap verses is impeccable. Music is a bit quiet in the mix, and I am not feeling the chorus hook at all.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
I like the piano part a lot. Excellent topic choice and lyrics to match. Rhythmic structure of the rap verses is good, but the delivery is lacking and it sounds like the music is being drowned out a bit.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Edric Haleen – Sarah
I have to admit that I was worried for a minute. “Where is the rap?” became “I bet he’s leading up to it.” This was a clever way to blend the rap challenge with the theatrical style that seems to be your bread and butter.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 7 out of 10
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
The “7-Up, Uncoola” line cracked me up. The 5:46 length shows that you really took the challenge and ran with it. A very good concept, but I think you could have used a little more personality in your vocal delivery. The pop culture references are fun.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
I actually enjoy this. Some of my favorite hip hop tracks take pieces of difference sources and combine them to form something new. I like the beat, but I think the lyrics work better as a poem than they do as a rap. This is oddly reminiscent of “Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head” by Gorillaz, ‘though I’m fairly certain that they asked Dennis Hopper to read the poetry, rather than sampling him.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Good placement of syllables for the verses. The chorus hook struck me as forgettable at first, but it started to grow on me on the second listen. I like the stereo split during the chorus. “The security guard there is quite a jerk” is an example of one of the lines that is delivered in an awkward manner.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10
Pat And Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
Male lead vocals are far too loud in the mix, drowning out the music and destroying the dynamics. There is plenty of personality in the vocal deliveries. LOVE the way that the female rapper threw together the syllables for lines like “that-I’m-gonna-date-you after you’ve been hatin’”
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – bad (0) SCORE: 6 out of 10
You have been consistently great thus far. Excellent hook in the chorus, the lyrics are tremendous, the delivery and performances are great. This sounds like a professional recording in every conceivable respect.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – good (2)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 10 out of 10
Ross Durand - Camp Romance
Brilliant song concept and I started cracking up hysterically when I heard the “Kumbaya” chorus. I would have liked to have heard a little more personality in your rap delivery, but this is an undeniably great track.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 9 out of 10
Matt And Donna - Anatomy Dance
Super fun concept! The verses are expertly crafted, but the delivery could use a little more energy (or personality). I like the chorus hook a lot.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 8 out of 10
Jutze – My Friend Kay
I did not think I was going to enjoy this, but it is actually quite charming and enjoyable. The banjo sample rocked my world when I heard it. The rhythmic switches in the chorus are great. I could have done without the fake horns at the end.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Steve Durand - A Place For Love
This has a tremendous beat and the lyrics are very clever, but the vocal performance is lacking. Bonus points for “I can’t make love with toner on my boner” which made me laugh out loud.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Jon Eric - The Dance
Your participation in the Frontalittle Squad has served you well. The structure of your rap verses is impeccable. Music is a bit quiet in the mix, and I am not feeling the chorus hook at all.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Dr. Lindyke - Politics And Promises
I like the piano part a lot. Excellent topic choice and lyrics to match. Rhythmic structure of the rap verses is good, but the delivery is lacking and it sounds like the music is being drowned out a bit.
LYRICS – good (2) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Edric Haleen – Sarah
I have to admit that I was worried for a minute. “Where is the rap?” became “I bet he’s leading up to it.” This was a clever way to blend the rap challenge with the theatrical style that seems to be your bread and butter.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – good (2) SCORE: 7 out of 10
The Offhand Band - Not Cool
The “7-Up, Uncoola” line cracked me up. The 5:46 length shows that you really took the challenge and ran with it. A very good concept, but I think you could have used a little more personality in your vocal delivery. The pop culture references are fun.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 7 out of 10
Caleb Hines - Two Musicians
I actually enjoy this. Some of my favorite hip hop tracks take pieces of difference sources and combine them to form something new. I like the beat, but I think the lyrics work better as a poem than they do as a rap. This is oddly reminiscent of “Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head” by Gorillaz, ‘though I’m fairly certain that they asked Dennis Hopper to read the poetry, rather than sampling him.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – okay (1) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10
Wait What - Six Years Seventeen Days
Good placement of syllables for the verses. The chorus hook struck me as forgettable at first, but it started to grow on me on the second listen. I like the stereo split during the chorus. “The security guard there is quite a jerk” is an example of one of the lines that is delivered in an awkward manner.
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – okay (1) DYNAMICS – okay (1) SCORE: 6 out of 10
Pat And Gweebol - TickiTock (Top Tad)
Male lead vocals are far too loud in the mix, drowning out the music and destroying the dynamics. There is plenty of personality in the vocal deliveries. LOVE the way that the female rapper threw together the syllables for lines like “that-I’m-gonna-date-you after you’ve been hatin’”
LYRICS – okay (1) STRUCTURE – good (2) PERFORMANCE – okay (1)
CONCEPT – good (2) DYNAMICS – bad (0) SCORE: 6 out of 10
Monday, July 18, 2011
SpinTunes 3: Round 3 Songs
The album is now available for FREE download, and you can vote for your favorite entries as well. With the new addition of the popular vote, many of you will be asking friends and family to support you. That's great, but when you do, please ask them to listen to all the songs & vote for their favorites. You can vote for up to 5 different people, so they might as well listen to everyone.
For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.
There are supposed to be 11 people eliminated this round. 3 people have already eliminated themselves by missing the deadline, so only 8 people will be cut by the judges this round. That will give us 4 people left for round 4. Good luck everyone.
You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Dr. Lindyke)
- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->
- Popular vote stays open until 8PM on the 23rd.
- Judges & guest judges have until 8PM on the 23rd to hand in their reviews.
- I will post the Reviews & Eliminations at 11PM on the 23rd.
- July 24th 1AM (Sun) - The Final Challenge is announced.
(If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here.)
Not Cool by The Offhand Band
6 Years 17 Day by wait What!
Reviews & Links Of Interest For This Round:
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)
- Mark wrote a Song Bio for his entry (The Offhand Band).
- Edric Haleen wrote a Song Bio for his entry.
- Dr. Lindyke wrote a Song Bio for their entry.
- Jon Eric wrote some Reviews for this round.
- Sammy Kablem posted another Negative Reinforcement Review for this round. This time it's on video.
For the time being, in an attempt to save on the free downloads, you can only download the album all at once. I will make individual songs available for free download in the near future.
There are supposed to be 11 people eliminated this round. 3 people have already eliminated themselves by missing the deadline, so only 8 people will be cut by the judges this round. That will give us 4 people left for round 4. Good luck everyone.
You can find the album on BandCamp by clicking the image below:

(Album cover by Dr. Lindyke)
- You can vote for your favorite songs with the poll in the right sidebar. -->
- Popular vote stays open until 8PM on the 23rd.
- Judges & guest judges have until 8PM on the 23rd to hand in their reviews.
- I will post the Reviews & Eliminations at 11PM on the 23rd.
- July 24th 1AM (Sun) - The Final Challenge is announced.
(If anyone wants to make a video for their song, I'll include it here.)
Not Cool by The Offhand Band
6 Years 17 Day by wait What!
(If anyone writes any reviews or song bios please send me the links & I'll link to them here.)
- Mark wrote a Song Bio for his entry (The Offhand Band).
- Edric Haleen wrote a Song Bio for his entry.
- Dr. Lindyke wrote a Song Bio for their entry.
- Jon Eric wrote some Reviews for this round.
- Sammy Kablem posted another Negative Reinforcement Review for this round. This time it's on video.
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