
Time until sign-ups begin:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

SpinTunes #2 Round 3 Totals

So here are the links to the individual reviews:

Dr. Lindyke - Glen Phillips - Kevin Savino-Riker - Jeff MacDougall - Zack Scott

Guest Judge's Review: Andy Rehfeldt
Alternate Judge's Review: Spin

You can listen to all the wonderful songs from this round by checking out the free album HERE.

As always feel free to check my totals...mistakes are possible. However, if my figures are correct the 8 people in bold have been eliminated from the contest. Big thanks to all the competitors & all the judges this round. Hopefully, we'll once again get a lot of shadows in the final round. Just because you've been eliminated at some point, it doesn't mean we wouldn't LOVE to hear more of your music.

Judges Totals:
Chris Cogott - 61
Zarni DeWet - 48
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 48
Rebecca Brickley - 47
Steve Durand - 44
Charlie McCarron - 44
Governing Dynamics - 36
Inverse T. Clown - 34
Ross Durand - 31
Ryan Ruff Smith - 28
Gweebol - 24
Edric Haleen - 23

Dr. Lindyke:
Zarni DeWet - 12
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 11
Chris Cogott - 10
Rebecca Brickley - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Inverse T. Clown - 7
Ross Durand - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Ryan Ruff Smith - 4
Charlie McCarron - 3
Gweebol - 2
Edric Haleen - 1

Glen Phillips:
Steve Durand - 12
Chris Cogott - 11
Zarni DeWet - 10
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 9
Ryan Ruff Smith - 8
Gweebol - 7
Charlie McCarron - 6
Ross Durand - 5
Governing Dynamics - 4
Inverse T. Clown - 3
Edric Haleen - 2
Rebecca Brickley - 1

Kevin Savino-Riker:
Chris Cogott - 12
Rebecca Brickley - 11
Charlie McCarron - 10
Zarni DeWet - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Governing Dynamics - 7
Ryan Ruff Smith - 6
Gweebol - 5
Ross Durand - 4
Inverse T. Clown - 3
Edric Haleen - 2
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 1

Jeff MacDougall:
Zarni DeWet - 12
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 11
Rebecca Brickley - 10
Edric Haleen - 9
Chris Cogott - 8
Inverse T. Clown - 7
Steve Durand - 6
Ross Durand - 5
Charlie McCarron - 4
Governing Dynamics - 3
Ryan Ruff Smith - 2
Gweebol - 1

Zack Scott:
Governing Dynamics - 12
Charlie McCarron - 11
Inverse T. Clown - 10
Ross Durand - 9
Chris Cogott - 8
Rebecca Brickley - 7
Edric Haleen - 6
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 5
Zarni DeWet - 4
Gweebol - 3
Steve Durand - 2
Ryan Ruff Smith - 1

Andy Rehfeldt:
Chris Cogott - 12
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 11
Charlie McCarron - 10
Rebecca Brickley - 9
Steve Durand - 8
Ryan Ruff Smith - 7
Gweebol - 6
Governing Dynamics - 5
Inverse T. Clown - 4
Edric Haleen - 3
Ross Durand - 2
Zarni DeWet - 1

Popular Vote:
Zarni DeWet - 53
Rebecca Brickley - 17
Chris Cogott - 16
Governing Dynamics - 13
Inverse T. Clown - 11
Mitchell Adam Johnson - 11
Gweebol - 7
Steve Durand - 6
Ryan Ruff Smith - 6
Edric Haleen - 5
Charlie McCarron - 4
Ross Durand - 4


  1. WooHoo! Thanks again, judges!

    As I look forward to what others will do for the final round, I'd like to thank Travis again for making all of this happen. And the judges, for taking the time to give their feedback. (I give Glen the "Most Improved" award -- he really dug into the SONGS this round -- and I appreciate him taking that to heart!)

    And I'd like to thank all the participants. It's been awesome writing songs with you all again. Can't wait for SpinTunes #3 (Travis says it'll be kicking off in June?) -- and I'm gonna start up another Songwriting Cycle in March, so stay tuned! (For more info? http://tinyurl.com/29nlepf )


    Edric Haleen

  2. This is pretty much exactly how I expected to go out. Congrats to everyone who didn't flame out by missing deadlines, and a grand "huzzah!" to the Final Four. I will be contributing a shadow, and I expect the rest of us Round Three Losers to do the same.

  3. Been a fun ride. This round was not my challenge, but i am pleased to have added "Fulsom Breakout Blues" to my repertoire. Thanks to spin and all the judges! I'm lloking forward to the last round.
